

  The Little Horse Crosses the River 小马过河



  THE SCENE: By the river(河边)

  [Enter the little horse and the mother horse with a bag]

  Little horse: Mummy, I’m as tall as you. I grow up now. Let me carry the bag for you.

  Mother horse: My dear. I’m glad you have grown big and can help me now. Take this bag of rice to your Uncle Pig, will you? Little horse: Yes. Mummy. Where dose Uncle Pig live?

  Mother horse: He lives on the other side of the river.

  Little horse: Mummy, I’ll get back soon. Bye-bye. Mother horse: Bye-bye.

  [Exit] [Enter the cow] ----- [hide=-1] Cow: Hi, Little Horse! Where are you going?

  Little horse: Aunt Cow, I have to go to Uncle Pig’s house. Is there a bridge near here?

  Cow: No, there is not any. If you want to go to his house, you have to cross the river.

  Little horse: Is the river deep? And can I wade across?

  Cow: No, it isn’t deep. I just came back from the other side, and the water only reaches my calf.

  Little horse: Thanks, Aunt Cow. I’ll cross the river.

  [Enter the little squirrel] Squirrel: Stop! Stop! The river is so deep that one of my fellows had been swept.

  Little horse: It’s so lucky not to wade!

  Cow: It isn’t deep. Little Horse, you can wade across the river.

  Squirrel: It’s very deep. You can’t wade across the river. You will get drowned.

  Little horse: But the water is deep or not? Shall I go on or shall I go back? I’d better go home and ask Mummy.

  Cow and Squirrel: (together) Yes. You’d better ask your mummy.

  [Enter the mother horse]-www.niucha.net

  Little horse: Mummy, Mummy. Aunt Cow said that the river was not deep. I could wade across the river. But Brother Squirrel said that it was very deep. I couldn’t wade across the river. What should I do?

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