


Illness is not terrible, as long as faith deposit, rehabilitation is not a dream of a future prosperous future. The disease as a challenge to the faith as a weapon, you can win!
This stuff accumulated credit is difficult, very easy to destroy them. Spend ten years to accumulate credit, may be due to a moment of small talk, and loss.
Firm, but not stubborn; patient, but not weak; lively, but not frivolous; cautious, but not timid; brave, but not reckless; confident but not conceited; cool, but not indecisive.
Happiness is just a state of mind, a sad sad girl to do despite the princess, but also ineffective, while a nothing girl, every day joy, she is the real princess too!
Life is like a book, Fool squelch turned to it, and read with great concentration Sage. Make life so that it may not withstand a short squandered, on a budget to spend your limited life to it.

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