


Best of luck, like landmines, often give you step on; fate as the meteor shower as you can not always be poured; wealth like garbage, and you could pick up; happy with your life staring at you like flies tightly. 
 Good: Leadership favor you, the police told you, the court toward you, accompanied by your official transportation, daughter-in-the you, eating and drinking whatever you want, wealth covered with you, winning only you!
I asked a mosquito to find you the most reliable, it will tell you I want you, and ask it for me kiss you, because I can not close to you, hope you do not use mosquito coils and mosquito, as it will for me brought a lot of "red packets" to you.
Holidays, and I do not want to give too much, it will give you 50 million: 10 million to be happy! 10 million to health! 10 million should be safe! 10 million to be satisfied! Do not forget me!

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