Someone who will stay with me for lifetime, is the one whom i will call
my best friend. And the one is you. My deat friend.
A friend is someone like you who understands whatever I do.
Thankyou for being one of the most special reasons for all my
joys for always having been a friend to me.
Dear, I do not know how to say to you why,but I am feeling very shy.
I am sure it is will be a wonderful joy. Your first kiss will be very
much to enjoy.
Since we met I haven't once stopped smiling. The love I feel for you
is almost blinding. Your love make my life so sweet. Happy Valentine's
I believe in our love because the smile on your face let me know
that you need me.There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave
I love you so much.
I never knew a love so strong when I look into your eyes.
I can't live without you by my side. No one can ever take your place.
You're like food to my soul.
I wanna give you what you need I wanna be there in your dreams.
Please show me what you want. I can love you much in that way.
You're the reason why I choose my road. The road I can be stronger and
With you, there is nothing i fear. It is the power of your love.
The way you make me feel like the sun coming up in the morning and
like holding the world in your hands. You are the energy of my living.
Make the world different to me.
In your eyes, I see my future in an instant and the missing pieces I'm
searching for.
I've found my way home because of you.
Do you know how much it means for you to stay right here with me?
The only dream i want it to be come true is to grow old with you!
I love you,babe!
I can feel that you feel that way, too. I think I fall in love with
Baby, all that i'll ever need is in your eyes. When you smile, i can
feel all my passion unfolding.
I've waited so long to say this to you-I love you.
If you're asking do I love you, my answer is that I do and
will cherish you for the rest of my life. Baby!
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