


o pay tribute to the fathers in order to strike a balance, Woodrow. President Wilson declared in 1916, the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. From the city of Spokane, Washington Suo Nala. Smart. Dodd that participated in the civil war her father gave for their six children love to make today's "honorable mother" can not match.
      Jane women's movement. Ms. Adams that Dude on the establishment of an equivalent of Mother's Day a national holiday after the idea is quite appreciated for the determination of Father's Day to make a contribution.
      World's first festival in 1910, his father was born in the U.S., the founder of this festival is the city of Washington Pauken Ms. Du De. Ms. Du De 13 years old, her mother died, her father 威廉斯马特 not to remarry after the death of one's wife, raising her own and other five children until they are all grown up.
      In 1909, Smart overwork, died at home, Ms. Du De did not give his father has been a happy old age and remorse happiness. One day, she had attended the church's Mother's Day After Thanksgiving week, missed her father, she felt her father in the upbringing of children in the process of love and effort must pay as much as any mother, but the world did not Father's Day, This is a bit unfair.
      So, Ms. Du De will tell his own church Rasmus, also told him his father's deeds, Rasmus deep love for the Smart move, he immediately expressed full support to Ms. Du De The idea, they immediately started running around the establishment of Father's Day. Some efforts by the Washington State governor said publicly that the proposal in favor of Ms. Du De, then Washington will be in June 19, 1910 the world held the first Father's Day gathering.
      In 1924, U.S. President Branch Coolidge publicly stated his support for Father's Day a holiday in America; in 1966, President Johnson announced in June that year the third Sunday of Father's Day for the United States; in 1972, President Nixon signed the formal documents, in June of each year as the third Sunday of Father's Day in America, and became permanent legal U.S. Day.
      Now, there are more than 20 countries around the world through church, sending cards and gifts to commemorate Father's Day. The United States each year to a respectable 56 million fathers who spent more than one billion U.S. dollars gift fee, but in addition to tie the types of gifts and other things outside the little cigars. Many people think that the most difficult to buy a present for my father. There are many interesting and suitable gift will make his father's happy. Who first distinguished by their children's father, early in this century will not need the boat or underwater cameras pulp, but they will be like his father. The work of the love for his father to purchase a used desk mug, or for him to enroll in the vicinity of the museum and fitness club.

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