


The origin of the Christmas tree

1. Is said about in the sixteenth century, the germans brought the first mention of 1605 get house to decoration, later, the candle on German missionary Martin Luther forests of fir tree branches, then lit, to make it look like leads people to Bethlehem stars, like two thousand years ago in accordance with the magi commonly found Jesus stars in the sky. Today, people have switch to small bulbs replaced candle.
2. Legend in a long time ago, there was a farmer, on Christmas day met a poor child, he warmly received child, the child when wanting to fold the root of pine stuck in the ground, pine tree, immediately become hung with gifts, used to reciprocate farmers kindness.
However the Christmas tree really appear on Christmas day, first in Germany, and later introduced to Europe and the United States and become the indispensable Christmas decorations. They usually with brightly colored lantern, wax, gifts or angels to install the Christmas tree, especially live in northwestern United States people, because the local rich forest resources, they will go to choose a family tree real trees as Christmas tree. Christmas tree variety, have natural pine tree, also have artificial Christmas tree and white Christmas tree. Each Christmas tree are riddled with dazzling decorations, but every tree top surely there is a tree big stars, symbolized the heart who guide magi found Jesus stars. And in traditional custom, and only family is a master can put the star star to hang, Internet is can't take over.

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