

1、女友几时有?上网聊qq。不知群里mm,可有男朋友? 我欲删群而去,又恐错失良机,此事好难办。百度帮不上,google亦难言。夜已深,孤枕难眠,何时才能把梦圆。不管高矮胖瘦,不论黑白美丑,是女就不嫌。但愿时不久,男女共缠绵。








1 and when his girlfriend? The qq chat online. Somehow, there can be mm of boyfriend? I would rather go to delete, and fear of lost opportunities, this good difficult. Baidu help, Google also unaccountable. Night already deep, sleepless solitude, when can dream. Whatever height, black and white are important, it is not just women. Hopefully, when men and women soon lonely.

2, the user: very bad. STB
Customer: excuse me, sir.? What problem appear STB
User: now on TV sets are put at least five or six, and the TKS in three sets "journey to the west", so as to put more programs, it is absolutely STB is broken.
Customer service: · # # # # # % RMB ¥%...

3 HuiCan, New Year, a few tables are name badge, the rest of the sit casually. A woman said: "you go there, you sit there the mantle. I crash...

4 and when a boy lie prone on the table in class, the teacher found that sleep the light of say: at a concern. Female deskmate off his coat on the sleeping boy...

5 and on the discovery after a beauty, I sat beside, I approached to pick USES asked, where are you?

6, a scholar, a general, a millionaire, a beggar, four people were doing a poem. Linda: snow in succession, general: is my real blessing. It is rich, what days, beggar: put your mama's shit.

7 and company boss give salesman an arduous mission, let him to develop a big company, but the time limit 2 weeks, everyone thought it was impossible to accomplish the task. After 2 weeks, the boss found a salesman, ask: task how? You must know the serious consequences of finished the task! The salesman say: I know, I'm very sorry, I didn't convince customers to buy our products. The boss angry, salesman and then say: but I have succeeded in persuading the company invited me to join!

8, tiger, leopard, who argue with tiger: "I am the king of the jungle!" A leopard: "I speed unmatched!" Cat saw, despise ground say with smile: "you what?! Not bad." belong to the cat,

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