1, everyone like god planted a tree, god let everyone happy, so let the wind to share in his sorrow, he hopes to rain water, let me encourage his dream, Arbor Day came, wish you happy!
2, a tree in the mountains, overlooking the future, In the water of a tree, and embrace the future by, In the field of a tree, the harvest in the future; In the heart of a tree, happiness in the future. Arbor Day happiness!
3 and good luck for you "tree", such as towering trees, cloud night, Love is like a green vines tree, never to be parted, As a thousand years old, healthy and strong. Sincerely wish you the Arbor Day happiness!
4 and planted a pine trees, green, A tree peony, a YanGong, A tree planted the seeds of love, sincerity, aeroplanes, Arbor Day came, wish you a good mood, a good blessing!
5, each with a piece of paper, leaving little earth a green, Each kind of a tree, the blue one day, You live with the global, love each other family.
6 and spring scenery, flowers everywhere good green trees. Under the trees planted for you, good luck to draw a golden phoenix, beside you, sweet heart, happy life you reaching old million. Arbor Day happiness!
7, a tree in your heart, and let him as you would a shelter, tree species in your heart, let me always care about you, I will be a tree in your heart, and let you know I always think, Arbor Day in happy!
8 and LiuShuZhu you wish you peace, pine trees, wishing you easily, BaiYangShu days red, I wish you delight in this "tree", also want to wish you happiness. Arbor Day happiness! 1, everyone like god planted a tree, god let everyone happy, so let the wind to share in his sorrow, he hopes to rain water, let me encourage his dream, Arbor Day came, wish you happy!
9, let your emotions like leaves a little guilty, day like a free, business branches like a trunk straight up like clouds, a root of the night life, like late-autumn fruit strong like fruit sweet! Arbor Day happiness!
10, let your hands together with a blade, planting trees, I take you take hoe. With our sweat, with our effort together, let us raise the glow of old village grave back. Wishing you the Arbor Day happiness.
11, Arbor Day of march, embedded: flowers fragrant. The hillsides, laughter lang, The old lion, planting trees. Shovel weeds, stakes, ShuKeng dig, move earthwork, Dry soil compaction, straighten up, Fix the yellow, pouring stump, Inpidual, even in line. However, the heart elated: eye, cool; life environment, Universal, power is strong, For life, in the green.
12 and emergency notice: in the Arbor Day approaching, let every man, lush rain everyone only no wind, wish all crazy, you my appreciations growth. Arbor Day happiness!
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