1, what you haven't picked is only a spring flower, flower, but the whole spring still belong to you.
2 and tears fell to pieces, leaves cheeks heart in the wind, with tears in the heart, and when the spring breeze blows up ambiguous dream your dreams in tears, you have no shadow, loving, all kinds of my feelings and destroyed.
After you left, I won't be sad, because you don't know about you, and I will forget him after a second!
4 and a relationship, love it always start assignments of beautiful end without reason. Pay will have heartache, there must be sad, will eternally and tore heart crack lung and thorough.
Five, we fell in love, I thought it was a magnificent and victorious love, now I know, it's only after you a bride, I to you before the time of enlightenment education, love!
6 I have missed, and distant entanglement himself, or many times, a tearful piteously entreat the time error will change after many years, we can say a long time no see.
7 and face you often easily disappoint/should I choose to give up/down/this is a stupid question is decayed
8, love, marriage is aestheticism is pragmatism, porce is the critical realism, remarry is symbolism.
9, the sky is blue, the clouds to spread. The sea is very wide, even other shore. Deep feeling, separate. Dream is very shallow, difficult to continue this discussion. "Everything is natural, already solution. Tears are sweet heart, when you wish. I wish you peace, life.
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