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2, feb. 9, in Sydney, Australia's central bank organizations attended the forum clearance, central bank governor zhou xiaochuan said, China's inflation has appeared, although still low, but must be vigilant in the current situation.

3, traffic transportation by 2010, the central finance in rural and urban transportation, passenger car rental implement product prices allowance. Which city bus full of oil, the central financial subsidies.

4 and the modernization of China by 2010, according to the report shows: the international experience, the 21st century China become the probability of developed countries about 4 per cent. According to the existing growth estimates, China around 2040 reach the level of moderately developed countries

5 and the world luxury association officials say, China luxury consumption totaled $9.4 billion, luxury consumption runners-up throne. Analysis, a substantial number of Chinese wealthy families, growth is far higher than other country.

6 and 8 billion RMB in debt of zhejiang university city college has been aeration government permission, some scholars concern sale of debts, such as its spread, will make more college into "enclosure - loan debt - the government -" cycle.

7 and the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy about carrying out some opinions of the defendant, the victim after confession of compensation and actively, can put into c -. The Supreme Court says, not equal to buy for life.

In the 1950s, people is listening to the radio up, After reading newspapers is 60 grew up, After 70 grew up watching TV is, After 80 is playing computer grew up, After 90 in front of these people have created a society.

9, careful observation, the condition of the dog street is nothing more than two kinds, a kind of people walking the dog, another kind is the dog walking.

10 and the people, now get lost in the broad mirage. Housing, in the minds of the people has become a symbol of wealth, assets instead of function in the second. When the nation's ordinary people in your life to suit the speculative bubble, illusion, the day is not far away.

11 and education: remove strangling genius, our school only two big functions: one is the exam, Another is to raise children on campus to be about marriage age.

12 and black giants should be many girls dream, but look at those black giants actress. How much is the joy of end? So the other famous poems might change: the deep sea is a big, XiaoLang is Ou people.

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