


D: I’m sorry, buddy. I was in the board meeting that would never end. You’ve been here long?


N: Oh, a couple of minutes, that’s all.


D: Jess, can I get a cup of decaf  and a couple of Tylenols? And see if we got any Echinacea.And I need some club soda. I got something on my tie. You know what? Just get me another tie. I saw the mock-up you did for Johnny Walker, they’re fantastic.


N: That’s my job, Dan.


D: So, you know I’m not good at making speeches. And specially when I haven’t got you to write them for me. So, I’ll do my best.I’ve been in this racket for over 30 years. And let me tell you something, it doesn’t get any easier. As a matter of fact, it gets harder and harder. The 80s were our glory days. They were all about alcohol, tobacco and cars.I felt like I was on top of my game. And then in the 90s, men simply stopped dominating how the dollars were spent and we lost our compass. Women between the ages of 16 and 24 are the fastest growing consumer group in the country. We’re talking about girls who were born in the mid 80s who control our advertising dollars.


J: Sorry, no Echinacea. Hi, Nick. Red or lavender?


D: Red. No lavender. That’s good. My mistake.While we’ve been getting our rocks off...the shooting beer commercials with the Swedish bikini team. The industry’s been transformed.We were a thee agency in town ten years ago,now we’re struggling to be the third. If we don’t evolve and think beyond our natural ability, we’re gonna go down.


N: Think beyond our natural ability? I’m not quite sure what you mean here.


D: What do you know about Darcy McGuire?


N: Oh, hey, I heard on the whisper, she just left B.B.D.&O. I never met the woman, but I hear she’s a real man-eater. She won that Cleo last year...that we should have won for the ad about the....


D:  Oh, yeah, right! That was her?I forgot about that.


N:  I wish I had. Oh, boy, I hear she is a bitch on wheels.


D: That’s very funny.


N:  Yeah why?


D: Because I just hired her.


D:  You know I love you, Nick. But it’s a woman’s world out there. And getting into a woman’s psyche is not exactly your strong suit. You can get into their pants better than anybody on earth, but their psyche is a whole other ballgame.


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