1、Some have an ear for music.
THE WOMAN: It isn't how well you play, it's how you feel about what you're playing… We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us.
2、When you are not getting older, but more and more young, it will go through all the people you love than you die. We are doomed to lose our loved one, or else how can they know for us is so important? This is also the significance of losing it.
3、只要是有意义的事 再晚去做都是有意义的
做你想做的人 这件事 没有时间限制
只要你愿意 什么时候都可以开始
你能从现在开始改变 也可以一成不变
这件事 没有规矩可言
你能活出最精彩的自己 也可能搞得一团乱
我希望 你能活出最精彩的自己
我希望 你能见识到令你惊奇的事物
我希望 你能体验从未有过的情感
我希望 你能遇见一些想法不同的人
我希望 你为你自己的人生感到骄傲
如果你发现自己还没有做到 我希望 你有勇气
4、Midnight hotel is a magical place, mice run off in the distance, heating furnace hiss sound, rustling curtains in such a scenario allows you to feel a quiet, even warm, you know you love people who were sleeping at the moment, while there is little it can hurt them .
5、当你不如意时,你可以破口大骂,诅咒命运,但到最后,还是要放手。 《返老还童》
6、Sometimes we live in the orbit of an imminent collision, the unaware, whether it is accident or a premeditated manner to which we are powerless。
8、每个人都会觉得自己不一样,不过我们最后都会去同一个地方,只是走的路不一样而已。 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》
9、Some people grow up in the river, some people have been struck by lightning, and some of the music has a remarkable talent, some people are artists, some people swim, some people know how to button, some people know Shakespeare, and some people are mothers, but also some people can dance ....
10、You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went. you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.
13、不管何时何地做你想做的事永远都不嫌晚 你可以改变 也可以不变 没有什么硬性规定 我们可能做得很好 也可能很糟 我希望你能充分利用时间 希望你能看到令你吃惊的东西 希望你感受到从未有过的感觉 希望你遇到具有不同观点的人 希望你过上让你自豪的生活 如果你发现生活不如意 我希望你有勇气从头再来 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》
14、你是不是疯了?我知道你想要一个小孩,但也不能留下这个,他搞不好不是人类。威瑟斯先生,拜托。你永远不知道会发生什么事。 ——大卫·芬奇 《返老还童》
16、我知道这世上有人在等我,尽管我不知道他是谁。但是因为这样,我每天都非常快乐。 《返老还童》
17、Death is a frequent visitor here, people come here and quietly leave, you can feel that it was left, when the house is always silent, this is a worthy growth in this wonderful place, in this place, people throw opened all the contradictions of life, left to discuss the day's weather, the temperature of bath water a day when the sun is drawing to a close, for a dead person's room, another person will be re-filled up。
2008最新高分奇幻大片《返老还童》BD中英双字迅雷下载 http://www.kuaixia365.com/dianying/jingdian/37601.html