

1. No charge. A deal’s deal. 不收费,做个交易。

2. Free bait in exchange for never having to take the bus again. 条件是我以后再也不用坐校车了。

3. Carter, talk to you for a second? 卡特,能和你谈谈吗?

4. So, did he ask you to that homecoming dance thing yet? 他有没有邀请你去参加返校节舞会?
Don’t embrass me. 别让我难堪了。

5. I’m your dad, it’s my job. 我是你爸爸,问问不应该吗?

6. We got a lot of work to do around here. 我们有很多事情要做。

7. Donny’s driving us until I get my new ride. Isn’t that sweet? 汤尼让我们搭车,直到我买上新车,他是不是很好?

8. But you might wanna think about it. 或许你能用得上。

9. You said that like it’s a bad thing. 没有你说得那么糟。

10. Right away. 马上就出发。

11. Two days max. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a routine op. 最多两天,没有什么大不了的。只是例行的行动。

12. That’s what you always say. 你每次都这么说。

13. The rehearse is so that everything will be perfect. 排练是为了到时候万无一失。

14. Who, may I ask, design it? 能不能问问是谁设计的?

15. I’m brilliant, no? 我很了比起,是不是?

16. But it’s so much for someone so young. 但她这么年轻就担此重任。

17. If any person has a reason to object, let them come forward and be heard. 如果有人有反对的理由,请讲出来。

18. I knew General Kane would try something like that. 我就料到凯恩将军会有阴谋。

19. No! Not without you. 你不走,我也不走。

20. We will be together very soon. 我们很快会团聚的。

21. We gotta go now. Let’s go. 我们快走吧。

22. I could not agree more. 我完全赞同。

23. You will both become a tragic symbol of futility to those who would defy me. 让人们看到,反对我是没用的。

24. What is this place? 这是什么地方?
You’ll see. 你会知道的。

25. How long am I staying here? 我要在这儿待多久?

26. She is freezing. 她冻坏了。

27. Let’s take a walk, shall we? 我们走走吧。

28. Welcome to your new home. For a while, at least. 欢迎来到你的新家。至少目前是。

29. Now, go try again. 再去试一次。

30. Leave me alone. 别管我。

31. What’s going on? 怎么回事?

32. You’re obviously not from here. 看来你不是本地人。

33. Will you do me a huge favor? 能帮我个大忙吗?

34. Don’t freak, but she kind of can. 别大惊小怪,她很有可能。

35. I want you to be my date for the dance. 我希望和你一起参加舞会。

36. That’s very kind of you. 谢谢你的好意。

37. Will you excuse me? 我先走了。

38. That was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. 这是最让我丢脸的事。

39. Okay, freshman, I think I can take it from here. 好了,新生,下面的交给我吧。

40. Too bad it took this long to realize it. 很不幸用了这么长时间我才明白。

41. What is the meaning of this? 这是怎么回事?

42. Maybe this will fly in your country. 也许在你们国家可以这么做。

43. Something wrong with that? 有什么不好吗?
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