

How much does your life weigh?Imaging for a second that you're carring a backpack. I want u to feel that the straps on your shoulders.Feel'em? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that u have in your life.Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers,the knick-knacks,the collectibles.Feel the weights as that adds up. Then u start adding larger stuff, cloths, table-top appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And u go bigger. Your couch, your bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home ,whether it is a studio apartment, or a two-bedroom house, I want u to staff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now I'm gonna set that backpack on fire, what do u want to take out of it? photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing, it's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?

--Natalie, what is it u think we do here?
--We prepare the newly-unemployed for the emotional and physical hurdles of job hunting, while minimising legal bloeback.
--That's what we're selling. It's not what we're doing.
--OK. What we r doing?
--We r here to make limbo tolerable, to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visible. And then stop the boat, shove'em in the water and make'em swim.

--How much did they first pay u to give up on your dreams?
--27 grand a year.
--And when were u going to stop and come back and do what makes u happy?
--Good question.
--I see guys who work at the same company for their entire lives, guys exactly like you. They clock in, they clock out, and they never have a moment of happiness. U have an opportunity here, Bob. This is a rebirth. If not for u, do it for your children.

--It's not like that. The miles are the goal.
--That's it? U r saving just to save?
--Just say I have a number in mind and I haven't hit it yet.
--That's a little abstract. What's the target?
--It's 10 million miles.
--And they put your name on a side of plane.
--Man get such hard-ons from putting their name on stuff. You guys don't grow up. It's like you need to pee on everything.
--Oh, now who is stereotyping?
--Fear of mortality. It's like, yeah, you're gonna die one day.

This is how I start everyday of my life. Now, this is gonna be a little difficult, so stay with me. You have a new backpack. Only this time, I want u to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office. And then u move into the people u trust with your most intimate secrets-Your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, yout brothers, your sisters, your parents, and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack. Don't worry. I'm not gonna ask you to light it on fire. Feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake, your relationship are the heaviest components in your life. Do u feel the straps cutting into your shoulders? All these negotiations and arguments, and secrets and compromises. You don't need to carry all that weight. Why don't u set that bag down? Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically for a lifetime.Star-crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not those animals. The slower we move, the faster we die. We are not swans, we're sharks.

--You never want to get married?
--Never want kids?
--Not a chance.
--Never. Is that so bizarre?
--Yes.Yes,it is.
--I just don't see the value in it. Right,sell it to me.
--Sell me marriage.
--OK. How about love? Stability,just somebody you can count on...
--OK, how many stable marriage do u know?
--Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with.
--I'm surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that's gonna change.
--How about just not dying alone?
--Starting when I was 12, we moved each of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. Now, those cult members in San Diego, with the kool-aid and the sneakers...they didn't die alone. I'm just saying there are options.

--Is the bag empty because u hate people or because u hate the baggage they come along with?
--I don't hate people. I'm not exactly a hermit.
--U just don't want to be tied down with the whole responsibility thing.
--I don't know what originally sparked the backpack. Probably needed to be alone. Recently, I've been thinking that I needed to be empty the backpack before I know what to put back in it.

--How can u not think about that? How does it not even cross ur mind that you might want a future with someone?
--It's simple. U know that moment when u look into somebody's eyes and u can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second?
--Right. Well, I don't.
--Don't u think it's worth giving her a chance?
--A chance for what?
--A chance at something real.
--Natalie, your definition of real will evolve as u get older.
--Can u stop condescending for one second or is it a principle of your bullshit philosophy? The isolation, the travelling, is that supposed to be charming?
--No, it's simply a life choice.
--It's a cocoon of self-banishment.
--Wow,big words.
--You have set up a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection. And now, this woman comes along and somehow runs the gauntlet of your ridiculous life choice, and comes out on the other end smiling just u can call her "casual"? I need to grow up? U are a 12-year-old.

--Well, last night I was just kinda laying in bed, and I couldn’t get to sleep. so I started thinking bout the wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a house, and moving in together, and having a kid, and having another kid and then Christmas and Thanksgiving and Springbreak. Going to football games, and then all of a sudden, they're graduating.They’re getting jobs, and getting married. and u know,I’m a grandparent, and then I am retired, I’m loosing my hair, getting fat, and then the next thing, you know, I’m dead. I’m just, like...I can’t stop from thinking—what’s the point? I mean, What is the point?
--The point?
--Yeah, what am I starting here?--Jim, it's...marriage, it’s one of the most beautiful things on earth, it’s what er...what people aspire to. U never got married.
--That’s true.
--I mean, You never even tried. That’s hard to defying try.
--I don’t know. It’s just……you seem happier than all my married friends.
--Well, Jim, I’m not going to lie to u. Marriage can be a pain in the ass. And you’re kind of right, this all is just stuff that leads to your eventual demise.
--And we’re all running clocks, and they can’t be slowed down or paused, and we all end up in the same place. There’s no point.
-- There Is no point. That’s what I’m saying.
--You know, I’m not normally the guy u would talk to about stuff like this. If you think about it, your favourite memories, the most important moments in your life, were you alone?
--No, I guess not.
--Think a bit of it, last night, the night before your wedding when all the shit was swirling around in your head, weren’t you guys sleeping in seperate bedrooms?
--Yeah, Julie went back to the apartment, and I was just by myself in the honeymoon suite.
--Kinda lonely, huh?
--Yes, pretty lonely.
--Life is better with company.
--Everybody needs a co-pilot.
--That was a nice touch.

--I thought I was a part of your real life.
--I thought we signed up for the same thing.
--Try and help me understand exactly what it is that u signed up for.
--I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. I mean u are an escape, you are a break from our normal lives, you're a parenthesis.
--I am a parenthesis?
--I mean...what do u want? Tell me what u want...... U don't even know what u want. Ryan, I'm a grown-up, ok? So if u would like to see me again, then...then give me a call. OK?

--So where are u from?
--I am from here.

I would say, you know, uh...without my friends and my family, I wouldn't have made it.
It would have been a lot tougher if I would had to make it on my own.
When I wake up in the morning and I look over and I see my wife, that gives me the sense of purpose.
It's not all about the money, money can keep your warm. It pays your heating bills, it can buy you a blanket. But it doesn't keep u as warm as when my husband holds me.
Let me get up. Let me get out. Let me find something. So my kids are my purpose. My family.

Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day and tonight they'll sleep. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wing tip passing over.
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