These past few weeks have left us all
with a profound sense of humility in the face of nature's
destructive power.
For years, we operated under the belief
that we could continue consuming our planet's natural resources
without consequence.
We were wrong.
I was wrong.
The fact that my first address to you
comes from a consulate on foreign soil is a testament to our changed reality.
Not only Americans but people all around the globe
are now guests in the nations we once called The Third World.
In our time of need,
they have taken us in and sheltered us.
And I am deeply grateful
for their hospitality.
We mourn the loss of a spirited leader
whose courageous order to evacuate.
For days, we've despaired
about the fate of the people who are trapped in the North.
Today, there is cause for hope.
Only a few hours ago, I received word
that a small group of people survived in New York City
against all odds...
and in the face
of tremendous adversity.
I've ordered an immediate
search-and-rescue mission to bring them home
and to look for more survivors.
过去的几周让我们深刻认识到人类有多渺小,大自然的反扑力量有多强大。一直以来,我们相信我们可以无休止地浪费自然资源而不会带来任何后果。 我们错了,我也错了。我现在在他国的土地上给大家发表讲话就说明了时局的变化。现在,不仅是美国人,全世界的人都成为了第三世界国家的难民。他们在危难时刻收留了我们。我对此深表感激。这几天,我们已经绝望了,直到现在北部地区还有很多被困的人们。但是今天,我们有理由充满希望。因为仅仅几个小时前,我收到消息这一小群人存活在纽约市…而在承受着巨大的灾难。我已经下令立即搜索和救援任务,带他们回家并且去寻找更多的幸存者。