

Sheriff Leigh Brackett: It's Halloween, everyone's entitled to one good scare

Annie Brackett: I HATE a guy with a car and no sense of humor

Dr. Sam Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons!

Graveyard Keeper: Yeah you know every town has something like this happen.... I remember over in Russellville old Charlie Bowles about fifteen years ago.... One night he finished dinner and he excused himself from the table He went out to the garage and got himself a hacksaw Then he went back into the house kissed his wife and his two children goodbye and then he proceeded to....
(墓地看守人:是的 你知道每个镇子都有这种事情发生.... 我记得在拉赛尔维里 老查利·伯勒斯 大约是15年以前.... 一天晚上在吃完晚饭以后 他找了个借口离开餐桌走到车库去 拿了一把钢锯 接着他回到屋子里 在吻别他的妻子和两个孩子后 他....

Tommy Doyle: Laurie what's the boogeyman?
(汤米·道尔:劳里 什么是妖怪?)
Laurie: There's no such thing.

Marion Chambers: Don't you think it would be better if you referred to "it" as "him"?
Dr. Sam Loomis: If you say so
Marion Chambers: Your compassion's overwhelming doctor
(马里恩·钱伯斯:你很有同情心啊 医生)

Annie Brackett: Still spooked?
Laurie: I wasn't spooked
Annie Brackett: LIES!
Laurie: I wasn't! I saw someone standing in Mr. Riddle's back yard
Annie Brackett: Probably Mr. Riddle!
Laurie: He was watching me
Annie Brackett: Mr. Riddle was watching you? Laurie Mr. Riddle is eighty-seven!
(安妮·布兰克特:瑞德先生在看你?劳里 瑞德先生已经87岁了!)
Laurie: He can still watch
Annie Brackett: That's probably all he can do!

Sheriff Leigh Brackett: Every kid in Haddonfield thinks this place is haunted
Dr. Sam Loomis: They may be right.

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