影片开始于1861年美国南北战争爆发前夕,佐治亚州一个名叫塔拉(Tara)的庄园。斯佳丽·奥哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)是庄园主爱尔兰移民杰拉尔德·奥哈拉(Gerald O'Hara)和妻子埃伦(Ellen)的三个女儿中的长女。她爱上了阿希礼·威尔克斯(Ashley Wilkes),而阿希礼却选择了表妹梅勒妮·汉密尔顿(Melanie Hamilton),并定于次日在十二橡园举行烧烤宴会,同时宣布两人订婚. . .
1.如果我不是个淑女 我一定会好好骂骂这女人
Oh, if l just wasn't a ladywhat wouldn't l tell that varmint!
2.斯卡莉, 你是在告诉我 这片土地对你毫无意义吗?土地是世上唯一值得你 为它奉献...值得为它奋斗.牺牲的事物 因为它是唯一永存的东西
You mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, that land doesn't mean anything to you?Why, land is the only thing in the worldworth working for...worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts.
3.我很生气!浪费总是令我生气 而这一切都白白浪费了
l'm angry. Waste always makes me angry.And that's what all this is, sheer waste.
4.过去为生存而提出的目标 已消失在我们眼前
The cause of living in the past is dyingright in front of us.
5.像农工一样大吃 像猪仔一样狼吞虎咽
and eat like a field handand gobble like a hog!
6.这么说好像我比那个穿长裤的 老处女更找不到伴似的
As if l couldn't get a better beauthan that old maid in britches.
Gentlemen can always fight betterthan rabble.
What gentlemen says and what they thinksis two different things.
9.我的心一直是你的 上面还留有你的齿痕呢
You've always had mine.You cut your teeth on it.
10.让我无助地留在这里 你才真的该羞愧而死
You should die of shameto leave me here alone and helpless!
l love you morethan l've ever loved any woman.And l've waited longer for youthan l've ever waited for any woman.
12.我发现金钱是世上 最重要的东西 我不希望再受没有钱的折磨
I found out that money isthe most important thing in the world...and l don't intend ever to bewithout it again.
13.若你是男人 我会扭断你的颈子
lf you were a manl'd break your neck for that.
14.那就是泰拉 这就是你力量的源泉,泰拉的红土 是你力量的泉源
This from which you get your strength.
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