

  Please sits, put your money on the table. Welcome.
  The cards can illuminate your future. I've a feeling you're in danger.
  Actually I'd prefer to read your fortune.
  I see your next client is here to kill you.
  Oh, how I've missed you, Holmes. I see your web of conspiracy has expanded.
  I'm knee-deep in the sue, the most important case of my career.
  The clues point to one direction.
  Professor James Moriaty, are you sure you want to play this game?
  I'm afraid, you'd lose.
  I agree it's not my best disguise, but I had to make do.
  Didn't see this in the card, did you?
  Oh, what are we doing down here?
  We are waiting.
  Make it count.
  I'm on my honeymoon.
  Get that out of my face.
  It's not in your face, it's in my hand.
  Get what's in your hand out of my face.
  片名: 大侦探福尔摩斯2 Untitled Sherlock Holmes Sequel 又名 福尔摩斯:影子游戏
  类别: 动作 | 悬疑
  主演: 小罗伯特·唐尼 | 裘德·洛 | 瑞秋·麦克亚当斯
  导演: 盖·里奇
  编剧:阿瑟·柯南·道尔 | 基兰·麦隆尼
  剧情: 在影片第一部中,福尔摩斯的宿敌莫利亚提教授曾有过短暂的现身,但却没有露出真颜 。而影片结尾留下的悬念则向观众预示这个聪明绝顶的人物将在第二部中和大侦探上演精彩对决。福尔摩斯和华生将对莫里亚蒂展开追逐,后者可能是史上第一个超级坏蛋。同时登场的还有好斗的吉普赛女郎“希姆”。

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