原文对白:(Bertie-——乔治六世,Bertie’s wife-——莫琳,Lionel-——医生莱诺)
Bertie's wife: Hello. Is anyone there?(有人吗就是is anyone there/here,这句在生活中会经常用到!)
Lionel: I'm just in the loo(英国人管卫生间叫loo,相当于美国人的wash room or toilet). Hello Mrs Johnson, there you are (你来了). Sorry I don't have receptionist. I like to keep things simple. "Poor and content is rich and rich enough".
Bertie's wife: Sorry?
Lionel: Shakespeare. How are you?
Bertie's wife: How do you do?(老外的问候语how are you or how do you do,一般在正式的场合才这么说,随便一点的可以说how is it going or how are you doing?或者直接hi)
Lionel: Ahh, traveling alone. Now, this is slightly awkward. But I'm afraid you're late.(在说”you are late”之前加了一句“this is slightly awkward” (这样说也许有点尴尬)以表示礼貌,有点类似excuse me的感觉)
Bertie's wife: Yes, I'm afraid I am.
Lionel: Where's Mr Johnson?
Bertie's wife: He doesn't know I'm here.
Lionel: That's not a very promising start.
Bertie's wife: No. My husband has seen everyone to no avail(avail是效用的意思,to no avail是没有用的意思). He's given up hope.
Lionel: He hasn't seen me.
Bertie's wife: You're awfully sure of yourself(你很有把握/你很有自信,be sure of 对。。确信).
Lionel: I'm sure of anyone who wants to be cured.
Bertie's wife: Of course he wants to be cured. My husband is required to speak publicly.
Lionel: Perhaps he should change jobs.
Bertie's wife: He can't.
Lionel: Indentured servitude? (受契约束缚的差事,不常用,了解一下就行)
Bertie's wife: Something of that nature. Yes
Lionel: Well we need to have your hubby pop by(我需要您丈夫过来一趟。Have somebody to do这种说法一定要会。)... Tuesday would be good... He can give me his personal details and I'll make a frank appraisal. And then we can take it from there
Bertie's wife: Doctor, forgive me. I do not have a “hubby”. We don't ‘pop'(hubby和pop都是不太庄重礼貌的说法,所以莫琳有点生气). And nor do we never talk about our private lives. You must come to us.
Lionel: Sorry, Mrs J, my game, my turf, my rules. You'll have to talk over with your husband. And then you can speak to me on the telephone. Thank you very much for dropping by. Good afternoon.
Bertie's wife: And what if my husband were the Duke of York? (what if 如果。。怎样,很常用)
Lionel: The Duke of York?
Bertie's wife: Yes the Duke of York.
Lionel: I thought the appointment was for “Johnson”? Forgive me, your Royal...?
Bertie's wife: Highness.
Lionel: Your Royal Highness.(跟王妃或公主说话时的用语)
Bertie's wife: Johnson was used during the Great War when the Navy didn't want the enemy to know ‘he' was aboard.
Lionel: Am I considered the enemy?
Bertie's wife: You will be if you remain un-obliging. You'll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion(这句的意思就是你最好谨慎些,不要说出去!但英国人说话即使是威胁也说的很礼貌:用了appreciate).
Lionel: Of course. How did you find me? Your Royal Highness.
Bertie's wife: The President of the Society for Speech Therapists.
Lionel: Eileen McCleod? She's a sport (开朗大度).
Bertie's wife: She warned me your antipodean methods were "unorthodox(非正统的) and controversial(有争议的)". I warned her...they were not my favorite words.
Lionel: I can cure your husband. But for my method to work, I need trust and total equality here in the safety of my consultation room. No exceptions.
Bertie's wife: Well then, in that case (如果那样的话。。。)... When can you start?
1. Poor and content is rich and rich enough: 人能安贫即是福
2. to no avail: 没有什么效果,不成功,也可以说成of little avail或者without avail。
3. indentured servitude: 契约缠身的苦差事。Indentured指的是“受契约束缚,必须为人干活的”, servitude则指“奴役(状况),任人差遣(的状况)”。
4.my game, my turf, my rules: 用现在流行的话来说,就是“我的地盘我做主”。
5. drop by: 顺便拜访。
6.unobliging: 不近人情的。Obliging则表示“乐于助人的,热情的”。
例如:The obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.(这位有礼貌的侍者并不急着催促我们离开。)
7. be a sport: 口语,(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情。也可以说be a good sport。
8. antipodean: (常作幽默)澳大利亚和新西兰,澳新。 antipodean day则是指“过日界线的日期”。
9. unorthodox and controversial: 这里可以译为“旁门左道,很有争议”。
1. Is anyone there?
2. There you are.
3. Keep thing simple.
4. This is slightly awkward.
5. I am afraid you are late.
6. It’s not a promising start.
7. To no avail.
8. Give up hope.
9. You are awfully sure of yourself.
10. Be required to speak publicly.
11. Something of that nature.
12. We need to have your husband pop by.
13. In that case.
1. 你好,有人吗?
2. 我喜欢保持简单。
3. 不好意思,我想你迟到了。
4. 这可不是个很好的开始。
5. 我丈夫看遍了医生都没有用,他已经放弃了。
6. 你对自己很有把握。
7. 我对任何想被治愈的人都很有把握。
8. 我丈夫必须要公开地发言。
9. 我需要你丈夫过来一趟。
10. 要是你还这么不近人情的话。
11. 如果我丈夫是约克公爵呢?
12. 我在我的诊疗室需要信任和完全平等。
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