


  从现在开始,I promise , from now on

  我只疼你一个,MY fondest adoration only goes to  you  ,

  宠你、不会骗你。I Love you and never will I cheat on you ,

  答应你的每一件事我都会做到;everything I promise you , I promise to make it ,

  对你讲的每都是真话,every word I say to you , I say it from the bottom of my heart ,

  不欺负你,不骂你,相信你。I trust you , never bully you , never scold you ,

  有人欺负你,我会第一时间出来帮你;I’d show up whenever you need me ,

  你开心的时候,我会陪着你开心I’d be happy out of your happiness ,

  你不开心,我也会哄的你开心。When you are down , I’d be there to cheer you up ,

  永远觉得你最漂亮,you are forever beautiful in my eyes ,

  做梦都会梦见你,I’d dream about you ,

  在我的心里只有你。Only get ya in my heart .


  从现在开始:你只许对我一个人好;Please promise me that I am the one and only you put your heart on henceforth ,

  要宠我,不能骗我;Adore me , and no cheating ,

  答应我的每一件事情,你都要做到;Honor your commitment ,

  对我讲的每一句话都要是真心。Don’t lie to me ,

  不许骂我,要关心我;Care about me and no scolding.

  别人欺负我时,你要在第一时间出来帮我;Help me out whenever I want you ,

  我开心时,你要陪我开心;Share my happiness whenever there is ,

  我不开心时,你要哄我开心;Get me happiness whenever I feel down ,

  永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的;Never for a moment think I am not beautiful ,

  梦里你也要见到我;在你心里只有我……” Your dream should be all about me , think of no one but me .


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