1、Aidan: You see that old man, leaning on his cane? That woman with a child? What would you say if we find out that your two tigers torn off their legs or kill them?
2、Raoul: Songha never ate anyone.
Songha 从来不吃人。
3、Aidan: No, but he will, it won''t be long.
4、Raoul: If he wanted to, he would have already done it!
5、Aidan: He will never learn to hunt, he is not afraid of people. He is going to get hungry, he is going to get the easiest prey he can find. The women in the fields, the children.
6、You see all the GREat predators who escaped from captivity become man-eaters when they return to the wild. They can’t avoid it, it''s instinct.
它永远都学不会打猎,它不怕人。 它们会饿, 然后就会袭击最容易找到的猎物,田中的女人,小孩。你知道,所有从圈养环境中逃跑的大型食肉动物,一旦回到野外,都会变成吃人的猛兽。它们无法避免这一点,这就是本能。
7、Raoul: But they are not like that, I know they are not.
8、Aidan: No, you hope they are not, that’s because you love Sangha.
9、Raoul: And you don''t love Kumal?
10、Aidan: Of course I do, more than you know.
11、Raoul: So don’t kill them, Please.
12、Aidan: I’m the one who took Kumal out of the jungle.
I am also the one who let you keep Sangha, so this whole mess is my fault. If I don''t do it, somebody else will. And I swear to you, after this is all over, I will never touch a rifle again. That''s a promise. I will leave the tigers and the statues in peace. I will go back to my country and marry the woman I love... I''ll stick to writing books.
是我把Kumal带出丛林的。也是我让你收留Songha,整个的混乱都是我的错误。如果我不杀它们,其他人也会。我向你保证,等所有这一切都结束了,我再也不会去碰猎枪。这是我的诺言。 我会让老虎和佛像平静地留在这里。我会回国和我爱的女人结婚,我会坚持写作。
13、Raoul: then go and write books now.
14、Aidan: I can''t.
15、Raoul: Songha isn’t a killer. Nor is Kumal, they’ll stay in the jungle. They will learn to hunt.
16、Aidan: Who will teach them?
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