CLAUDIUS:My cousin Hamlet, and my son--
HAMLET:A little more than kin, and less than kind.
QUEEN GERTRUDE: Good Hamlet, cast your nighted colour off,And let eyes look like a friend on Denmark.Do not seek for your noble father in the dust.You know it is common; all that lives must die,passing through nature to eternity.
HAMLET: Ay, madam, it is common.
QUEEN GERTRUDE: If it be,Why seems it so particular with you?
HAMLET: Seems, madam! No it is; I know not 'seems.It's not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black,Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,Nor the dejected behavior of the visage,Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,That can denote me truly: these indeed seem,For they are actions that a man might play.
QUEEN GERTRUDE: Let not your mother lose her prayers, Hamlet!I pray you, stay with us.
HAMLET: I shall in all my best obey you, madam.
Claudius假情假意地称呼哈姆雷特,哈姆雷特则回敬说“比一般人的关系还好点,比不上最好的”(A little more than kin, and less than kind)。妈妈说你不要再愁眉不展了(cast off“熄灭”的意思),人总是要死的,这是一件普通的事。哈姆雷特同意妈妈的说法。妈妈说你看起来还是很特别。汉姆雷特激动地说“不仅仅看起来是我的外表,不是我体面的黑色外罩,不是我的叹息,不是流连的眼神,也不是我痛苦的表情(Nor customary suits of solemn black,Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,Nor the dejected behavior of the visage),各种各样的痛苦都不能准确地表达我的痛苦。这是人正常的行为”。最后他还是安慰妈妈,说听妈妈的话。
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