

    《速度与激情6》剧情延续上一部,在里约飞车奇劫了金库的多米尼克(范·迪塞尔 饰)和一众兄弟,再次分散在全球各地隐姓埋名地生活。但从上一集就对其紧追不舍的军警赫伯(“巨石”道恩·强森 饰)却如影随形地找到了多米尼克,他的目的不是追捕他们,却是要与之联手缉拿更加亡命的犯罪团伙,而多米尼克所要的回报是一众兄弟都获得终生的赦免。这一次,他们共同的对手是冷血的欧文(卢克·伊万斯 饰),而他的副手正是多米尼克认为已经死去了的爱人莱蒂(米歇尔·罗德里格兹 饰)。为了找到莱蒂死而复生的真相,也为了所有兄弟终极的赦免,多米尼克再度集齐全班人马,为家庭为自由而战。


Hurry to come.
This way, this way.
It's okay. I got it.
It's okay. You're right on time.
You're a good father, Brian.
- Why are you so sure? - Because I'll kick your ass if you do not.
Come away with you.
Remember that once you go through the doors that changes everything themselves.
Our old life is over.
Let's run a little trip...
Translated by RAGE for DanishBits.org
- Special Agent Hobbs. - Agent Riley Hicks.
I've read about you. Number 1 in your class.
Cairo, Tunis.
If you are half as good, in fact, as on paper, we probably could agree.
A Russian military convoy was attacked.
Satellite Components were stolen.
The cars just came out of the blue. Six are hospital and a dozen cars were destroyed.
- It's all in under 90 seconds. - It is professional work.
There is only one team in the world that can cause it to succeed.
How the hell ended it up there?
- They caught one of them. - Where is he?
- You've got five minutes with him. - I only use two.
I want your boss. Where is Shaw?
- I do not say shit! - I was hoping you'd say that.
- Is it legal? - No...
... But you go in and tell them?
- I have my rights, asshole! - Not today.
No, no!
- Says he say anything? - Not anymore.
But the place is bugged. All you got out of him, Interpol now.
- Fine. So we keep free morning. - Let's bring him in..
Man gets not just Owen Shaw, which to retrieve items at the grocery store.
You need wolves to catch wolves. Let's go hunting.
Is that what you can get for 100 million?
It was not that hard to find you, Toretto.
I hid not.
How is life as a retired international criminal?
I like to be here. There is peace and quiet.
Good weather.
And no extradition treaty. What are you doing here, officer?
On Tuesday robbed a team of trained riders a Russian military convoy.
- I do not work in cold weather. - I know it was not you.
But you must help me to catch the team that did it.
And you do not need.
- You can not touch him, Hobbs. - I do not want someone handed.
He is apparent with voluntarily. Actually...
... Then he will beg me to.
It was taken a week ago.
See you out front.
- Is that her? - It is impossible.
If it was my husband...
If there was even the slightest chance...
... I would go.
- I need all your information. - You get it with the rest of the team.
There will be no team.
- It will be me alone. - So it is not easy.
Team, we are looking for, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke.
Do you do it alone, you hit them never.
I've been chasing him across four continents and twelve countries, and believe me -
- the last thing I want to do, is to sit on my knees for you.
I need your help, Dom.
I need your team.
I would like to propose a toast... Come on, girls.
I know that some of you already have been to Macau -
- but I have never experienced the city, until you have experienced it through my eyes.
We have a penthouse apartment with ocean views that will change your life.
150 foot yacht with helipad.
I'm really going to get your life's best experience.
No, you do.
You come here in your Ferrari, and have pockets full of money.
You were once a true Robin Hood, who shared everything you owned.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. The money has changed you.
You have the right... The money has changed me.
I've realized that money does not grow on trees.
They rain down from the sky.
Thank you, it looks great.
- Yummy! - It is well citizen of the world.
Have you ever considered settling down? To start a life together?
Is not that what we do?
Do we do it?
Drop your weapons at once!
- I'm coming. - You will need to turn the plane around.
Listen, ladies. There is little change in the plans. There has been something wrong.
I at the casino, I was talking about? I have some vouchers for the buffet.
THE ROMAN, bitches
Check this out... Right!
That's my boy. Let's see if it can fly.
There you see. Should we wave?
Hi, Jack.
What's up, Uncle Dom? "What's up, Uncle Dom?"
- Are you happy to see him? - Foist you know him already Japanese cars?
Father foist him nothing on.
- He chose the car. - We know that he is a O'Connor, but...
I have something for you, Jack.
- Yes! He is also a Toretto! - He has fortunately a few years to choose.
I think that he has decided.
I think it's time for his nap. Come on, baby.
- It's weird, right? - What's weird?
We have everything...
Even beer and barbecue.
It's just...
It just does not feel like home.
Maybe it's because...
You do not know how happy you are for something before someone takes it from a.
I do not know.
Your house is probably so changed that much, that you do not know it anymore.
- Everything has changed. - But so what? What is happening?
It was taken a week ago.
The diplomatic intelligence.
I made something like that all the time, when I was a police officer.
That's exactly what they do. He ​​messing with your head.
- Letty's death, Dom. - I have to be sure.
- So I'll go with you. - You said you would put the life behind you.
We both said that we would put the life behind us.
He's right. We are a family.
If we have a problem, so we handle it together.
And I am more at ease if you are together. So I take care of each other.
're Stronger when you are together. It has I always been.
Take that out and get Letty.
Get her home.
Thank you, God! Finally, some equipment I can use.
- What's up, buddy? - Much better than the crap in Rio.
Much better.
- Do you trust these people? - Nope.
Is there anyone who has heard from Leo or Santos?
They were last seen in the casinos of Monte Carlo.
I thought it was our last job, Brian.
Who pays for all the equipment? Taxpayers?
So now we are working all the Hulk? Is that what we are doing?
Why do you smell of baby oil?
If you continue to bullshit, comes to smell of ass.
Okay, Hobbs. You have the best team in the world right in front of you.
Give them a reason to stay here.
Aim is Owen Shaw.
Former Air Force Colonel. Elite Soldier.
He led Britain's mobile device in Cabo and Bosnia.
Goddamn it. Your mobile device is the hard boys. We're talking about mobile warfare.
- The best in the world. - Do you have a few pennies?
They have for years operated in Europe.
The last few jobs has brought them to a whole different level.
Three objectives are carefully selected.
A programmed termoenhed from an ICPM missile.
- A pair of vipers from... - Do you have any pennies?
You're a millionaire, and you still scrounging money?
This is how to remain millionaire!
What does this mean then?
Our best guess is that Shaw's team is by building a natskyggeenhed.
Which is...?
A technology bomb that can shut down an entire communication network down for 24 hours.
Diaphragm you a soldier in a second in battle, so he dies.
Diaphragm you a country for 24 hours, can casualties reach the soaring numbers.
It can be worth billions.
Billions? Why we build not just the shit?
Hey, man.
Which one is a dollar?
It's on the house.
I have to help me catch Shaw.
He needs only to find a lot more, and I want to stop him before he finds it.
And I know that you are a family.
So I offer you a chance to make the family whole again.
Do you want to make this family whole again?
Show us the way to Letty, you get Shaw. Full pardon for all of us.
- I can not promise you. - Yes, you can then.
This is our offer.
It's either or.
Get me Shaw...
... So do I get your pardons.
I heard what he said. But this is different.
We have neither the officers or drug dealers to do.
It is quite another.
We get good enough money for it, right?
Interpol caught one of Shaw's men in Moscow, as I got a little talk with.
He told us where Shaw hiding.
Why are not you down there now?
We were not invited.
Hobbs! They send sacrificed in now.
He microphone. He must identify Shaw before moving into.
Lod police you then just go?
Do not worry. I did not tell them a damn thing.
I'm really not worried.
Okay. Start it right for me.
It's okay. It's great.
The most simple things can create the biggest problems.
But the good news is... Changes to the bad part out -
- keep everything running smoothly again.
Shaw. Shaw!
It is confirmed that it is Shaw. They're moving in now.
Wait a minute... Wait a minute.
Police radio reports an alarm, has passed the Interpol headquarters.
Shit! He has led us here, so they could attack Interpol.
- It's all a trap. - You're the team with Brian.
- What about you? - Hobbs and I am waiting for Shaw.
Shaw leads us to Letty.
Come on, you bastard.
What is it?
This is your share from the last job.
<i> Performs to a work then you get paid. </ I>
There is a little extra for you.
- See it as an advance. - For what?
The next job, of course.
What job?
What we are doing right now.
- How far are we from Interpol? - Two blocks away.
It's a ghost town.
- Shaw has pulled all the police away from here. - So we end it here. Let's take them.
It's been fun working with you.
Drop the bag!
- There he is! - I got him.
He is forthright, Toretto. Loss him now out of my sight.
It's not going to happen.
I'm sorry, guys.
Interpol is straightforward.
Let's go, guys. We've got company.
Let's go, boys.
This is it!
- There are three cars after us, Shaw. - I know what to do.
Come with chip rifle.
- I'll Rover. - Okay, I'll...
... What the hell it is.
What is this? A hockey puck?
Now we are ready!
Chip one is ready!
And chip three are ready!
It does not work!
We are approaching the venue.
Tej and Roman are out of the game, Dom. How are you?
I'm right behind you.
I take nødruten!
- To the left after Shaw, Toretto! - I'm Vegh!
- I need your help, Vegh. - This is no problem.
Take the wheel.
This is crazy! We are not in Brazil!
Now we have the cars flying in the air? How little James Bond-ish?
- It's not how we work! - You need to get a grip on the emotions, man.
Your voice went straight from Shaggy Scooby Doo.
"That's not how we..."
When a woman starts to shoot for -
- then it's a clear sign having to resign.
We have to get out of here.
It could have been my forehead!
No... It's not as big as your head.
It's definitely Letty, but it is complicated.
Letty is alive. It's the only thing that matters.
<i> We've got her back, Brian. </ I>
<i> Do me a favor and give Jack a goodnight kiss from me. </ I>
<i> - Beware on yourself. </ i> - I love you, Mia.
Then she said that it was you?
She looked directly at me, Brian.
Perhaps the old Letty, as we know off, Dom.
Although she is alive, she is perhaps away.
You will not family back.
Even when they do it.
- Ivory! - Yes.
- It must be repaired. - It's just okay.
- Are you okay? - Yes.
Okay, listen...
It was something completely different than Hobbs' normal sissies.
We need to know who they are. What they're made of.
O'Connor, Parker, Pearce -
- Toretto and the rest of the gym.
They are ordinary criminals.
The common criminals were quite close to stop us today.
Show them the respect they deserve, otherwise weakens us.
This would probably like to see.
Mean anything to you?
- It's him, I shot. - You look happy.
- I can not remember him! - It's a lie!
We have a problem, folks...
We have a picture of her and him, almost stopped you today.
Are you not side muscle man, Klaus?
Do not make me to make you a sissy team.
She can not remember him.
Names and records are not enough. I want their personal information.
Everything about their lives and their thoughts.
If we find their weaknesses, we can exploit them.
It looks delicious.
- It's crazy, man. - What are you talking about now?
I stand here and look at the pictures.
It is as if we were chasing our evil twins.
See him the black guy here. He's great. It's obviously me.
We have a white Hobbs. This is He.
Here is Tej.
An African with a hat. Bit like a mini version of you.
When did you take those pictures?
I'm just playing, mate. I know that you are the most beautiful blonde here.
Okay, listen so here. We have two things on them.
Firstly, is this the worst city to commit crimes in.
There are cameras everywhere. Let us trace traffic cameras and see what it offers.
And we now know what they got out of their coup.
They emptied a database that shows the locations have the part that they need.
- Where are they now? - There are only a few around here.
But the list only suitable for 96 hours, which means that wherever they strike now -
- so happens within four days. They have a time limit, and so have we.
Hobbs is right, so let's think it through. What do we know so far?
They run with home-built engines.
I heard the quick coupling glide through the gears.
- It did not sound like a normal engine. - It was a turbodiesel.
The lay flat in the turns, even though it was hit.
- Hydraulic. - Maybe a magnetic suspension.
Who has access to the parts and to fix it?
A few stores in London, perhaps?
General tuning shops are not enough. We must dig deeper than that.
He, Gisele and Roman, it performs I.
If we find him, who made the car, so we also find Shaw.
- Let's go. - I'll help.
Is received.
We need cars without chips, to take control of Tej.
Make sure they are fast.
- That'll do. - I'm already working on it.
- Contact police motor office. - Hobbs...
I said I got this.
It should be interesting.
You need to relax a little, man.
You can not provide standard BMWs to people expecting much...
Hallo... It was a hell of a car. A TwinTurbo V8 with 560 ponies, kid.
You have read the brochure. It's great. But cars must be custom built.
It's something special between you and the car, as you build. It is a tape.
It sounds like a marriage.
Yes, but cars do not take half of your shit when you swap them out.
For the price they had better be made of gold.
You're not thinking of stealing them, right?
The entrance to the kitchen staff 's in the back.
Say that again.
I can not possibly afford to the cars here.
I clearly lack jewelry. No companions...
None "girls". You're obviously not in the game.
And you... Shoes, shirt, pants.
And your attitude is too stiff.
No swag. You look like a military man. $ 50 000 per year.
It is U.S. dollars. Which is not enough to be here.
So if you are not kitchen staff, then ye have gone wrong.
But finally drink your champagne finish.
- He must be taught a lesson. - You steal them, as I said.
I have mastered it here.
It's as number five on our list.
Damn. What guy just chasing?
- Moby Dick? - It must be him.
How should we do this?
He and I got it here. We go hard on him -
- you let me do the talking, and then cover in me.
You guys forget one thing... He ​​is a man.
- Let's go down there. - "He is a man"?
It says she often.
What you're holding there is a 5.45x18 Spitzerkugle.
The only suitable for a weapon. A GSM.
When weapons are illegal in the UK, very few people have access to such weapons.
So if someone, for example, would trace where it came from...
... Then it would not be difficult.
I was a cop long. Some habits are hard to get rid of.
A pawnbroker.
I do not know, man... It was disrespectful.
I did not like the way she said it. "He's a man."
Is he a man?
- What are we? - She makes only doing his job.
She just does his job.
I can see what's going on here.
- What do you see? - You have a little stardust in your eyes, man.
Is there a little spring haddock in the air?
You will not lease this model. You will want to buy it.
- Will not you be quiet? - No, you are in love. Look at you.
- Stop that. - Have you so special plans? A great day?
Are you asking us all out? Get her a big stone, for she is certainly not easy to impress.
If not a large stone, you better be great somewhere else, if you understand.
Is that why your boyfriend always have so many jewelry on?
- We're looking for information. - Information about what?
Information about... cars.
- In particular two you have just made. - Ram automobiles.
- Low, stable and metal frames. - We'd love to find buyer.
- Why should I help you? - Because we are asking you nicely.
What have you to offer, which I can get from the thousands of other girls?
Stop, stop, stop!
You look like someone who likes it hard.
My friend here can expose you to pain, like you've never experienced before.
- Do we have a deal? - Agreement, agreement, deal!
I take it back again. I like that!
So that's how you took care of it? By buying all the cars?
What good is it to have millions in the bank, if you do not use them?
But it does not matter. More so here.
We'll just take the opportunity to exhibit our gratitude for this trade.
- Is there ever else they need... - Anything?
- Yes. - Now that you mention it -
- then my swagløse friend here really like the shirt you have on.
- This shirt? - The shirt, yes.
- I'm not sure that it will fit. - It'll fit.
He must ie use a shirt, that is slightly smaller... functional.
As in. .. functional.
- I'll keep it. - Thank you.
- Come on, man. Time is money. - Yes, sir
Hell, you should use one hedge trimmer for that shit.
- If it was all... - I'll have pants.
Now you're at it, give me that watch. I like the clock.
- This is for you. And it's for you. - Thank you.
Hello, gentlemen. Thank you.
I have information here.
Why seek ye so after Shaw?
He took something that is ours, that we should talk to him about.
Let's see what we have here.
Hello. What do you want?
It is said that if you're looking for a Russian weapon, you have to go to you.
Well, it makes it?
What are you, mate?
It would probably be a bad idea.
- I am looking for the owner of this. - I do not know who it is.
- Look at the back. - For about a week ago -
- a girl came in and bought everything I had. - A girl?
- How did she look like? - A tough girl with dark hair...
- It is rumored that she is running street racing. - Where can we find her?
How would I know? I look like a race car driver?
No... You do not.
Take care of yourselves, boys.
I'm sorry, girls.
Come on!
Hold on. Stay with me. Stay with me!
Tell me where I can find Shaw, so he's going to pay for it here.
Hey, you! Stay where you are!
We have him! We have him!
No need to get something about it here.
We have lost Ivory. He's gone.
Is that all?
If Ivory is dead, so he screwed up.
Dummer you, so you pay the fine.
It was a beautiful eulogy, Shaw.
If you hold the same speech for us, when we are taken out of the game?
You're the last person I would have thought would be sentimental.
I like you, Letty.
I would even say that I cherish warm feelings for you.
When I found you in the hospital, and you could not remember anything...
I said to myself...
The girl has a gift.
She is a blank canvas.
I did that I felt a certain protectiveness towards you.
For example, if something happened to you -
- I think that I would have it any harder with it.
What I am saying is...
... I would hate to see you make a mistake.
I need some fresh air.
- What happened? - We met Kingdoms friend.
- She's probably nice. - Are you okay?
What have you got for me? The recordings? Traffic cameras? Give me something.
Believe it or not. Wherever they are, so the cameras are down.
This is something of a coincidence.
Okay. We visit CCTV for a walk. Let's go.
What is it?
It is a new toy for you.
What the...?
Shaws people came out there and shot it all to pieces.
- But we got at least something big. - What?
Braga. He collaborates with Shaw.
- What are you talking about? - It's true.
Phone is loaded with encrypted transfers -
- leading directly to Braga.
- Who the hell is Braga? - He led one of Mexico's drug cartels.
And he is my old boss.
We used the kind of codes to to move money out of the country.
It makes sense... Braga controlled Letty and Now Shaw. It explains how they met.
Where can we find him?
- He sits in jail in Los Angeles. - How do you know?
Brian has placed him there.
This was the breakthrough that we were looking for. If they work together -
- at Braga, what Shaw is out. I visit them.
Think about what you say. You are wanted, Brian.
As soon as you get off the plane you will be caught. You're not coming back.
- Yes, I do. - How do you get into the country?
Just let me.
This depends on me.
It was me allowing her to Braga.
It is I who must make amends.
Let me make amends.
Take care of yourself.
He can take you now. This road.
Thank you wanted to meet us.
My people were attacked earlier today.
I see all the cameras in and around Waterloo Station.
Can anyone tell Captain America here, requiring a permit?
Terry. Show me the camera 58-62 from earlier today.
They have been down all morning because of service.
- I'm sorry. - Okay, but thanks for the help.
Do you know what is also interesting? Interpol was also attacked recently.
The cameras were also down. They caught nothing.
This means either that your service plan fits perfectly with their escape route -
- or working any here with them.
And that's just ridiculous.
For there is then no chance that there is someone here who work for them.
You would not allow it?
I do not know anything about it. This is ridiculous.
This is ridiculous! I must have direct access to your cameras across the city.
And I would strongly recommend that you override additional service.
- Yes, of course. - We are happy to help. Thank you.
Looking at it.
The orange really highlights your eyes.
- Thank you, Wilson. - Tell me something, O'Connor.
How can it be that even if you render Around the World -
- and make trouble, so I put anyway my job on the line for you?
You'll feel better when you get credit for stopping Shaw.
I am tempted to settle for you.
You know what they say, Stasiak.
If you want to catch the big fish, then to be ready to get in deep water.
Do you know that you're an asshole?
I also missed you, man.
From what I've been up there, so you can do what you should do. You have 24 hours. </ I>
<i> You have until 9 o'clock There checking the your fingerprints in the database. </ I>
<i> They will then find a match. When that happens, I can not get you out again. </ I>
<i> Here we're talking about life in prison. </ I>
Cute young.
I found out that Braga sitting in block D3.
It is isolation. I only have power to get you here in prison.
So you must do something to get his attention.
Sorry, buddy.
Now again?!
Now send Big Brother soon live.
You can not even pick her nose in London, without anyone knowing it.
Hey, you should not tamper with it there. It is not a toy.
- What's the problem? - It is highly charged titanium wire.
- What does it mean? - It's to keep bridges upright with.
Things that you know nothing about!
The common text is bold enough but my... is a masterpiece.
I have turned the gear on and tuned engine.
- And then I added this container. - It makes the course even fatter.
- It's not foolproof. - I've been known to use big weapons.
And you're known for to use your big head.
Dom, I have asked me around. I 've got the address of a street racing tonight.
Brian O'Connor. It was quite an entrance.
You have placed many people here.
Figured you not, that people would recognize you?
I've been watching you.
You have just enough hygget you out there. Rio de Janeiro -
It's exciting to be criminal, is not it? You could have worked for me.
Like Letty Ortiz.
- I buried her. - Did you know?
I can not tell you. 
- I know she works with Owen Shaw. - Leger you still cop, huh?
This is way above your level.
You're still as good as dead, so it really can not matter.
I ran too Shaw. Substances, weapons, money, ladies...
He taught me how to think globally. He ​​made me a rich man.
He had not only cartels in the palm of his hand, but also CIA -
- and DEA and everyone else under control.
He knew what was going to happen, before they even did it. He even knew -
- a young policeman would insert a mole in my cartel.
Letty was dead from the moment you pasted her.
- She survived. - She's tough as hell.
Shaw went to the hospital two days after to complete the work.
- But why...? - She could not remember anything.
The perfect girl.
You're lucky, that there is a door between us.
What happened to Letty, is your fault.
Look at me! Look at me!
You do not.
- What is Shaw doing?! - He always knows your next move.
He's watching you. Think about it.
It only comes close to Shaw, if he wants it.
- You really have some great balls. - I've been told.
- You're lucky that I missed. - I think you hit it, you would.
Really? What's with you?
- Do you have a death wish? - If that's what it takes.
I just want to race.
You could lose your car.
- Let's get started. - It's your funeral.
Run or die. Do you remember that?
Out here, we used to get our will. This is London, baby!
Do not bite the bait. Are you ready?
- Ready? - Ready.
Just like in the old days.
He's crazy!
It's just a lie!
- To switch gears still too fast. - I do so for you to slow down.
You lose grip, so the rear end slips out.
I've noticed.
You do not know me, just because you know how I run.
Do you know what they say, where we come from?
Show me how you drive, and I have to say who you are.
V8. You've never been able resist American muscle force.
Great scars.
You've never been able keep you out of trouble.
- What else do you know about me? - About You?
This scar you got the evening, we met.
You were 15 years old, and you were the first Criterium.
A windbag would prove, and crashed right next to you.
- You are lucky that you did not lose his arm. - Let me guess again...
- You saved me. - No.
I was bladder ass.
Boyle Heights.
You fled with Mia, my little sister, and was pushed into a corner.
You thought it was a good idea break your Torino Cobra through a wall.
Okay. What about this?
This is the last time we were together.
You would take you for a night swim.
You tore up the corals. I followed you.
I even got a scar similar to.
I do not know what you're doing here -
- but I think you are out, where you can not bottoms.
I'm here because of you.
The girl you remember...
It's not me.
It was not what I just saw.
Whether you like it or not -
- then you are still the same girl.
I saw it out there -
- and I can see it now.
I have to go.
It belongs to you.
There she drives away, and leave you once again.
She is fiercely fickle.
If it's violence you want, we can figure it out.
A street kid, starting with stealing DVD players -
- ends up stealing 100 million in Rio.
- Not bad, huh? - It's a good story.
It's almost inspiring.
I just do not understand -
- why he sprawls on the a beach with his Brazilian herring.
No, he chooses to work with a government rat Hobbs.
But then I realized -
- he has a sore point.
- We have all along. - You know what?
When I was young, 'said my brother always -
- that we should have a code.
Mine was precision.
A team is nothing but pieces moved around until the job is done.
It is effective and it works.
You, on the other hand...
You are loyal to the wrong choice.
Your code is family.
That's good enough for the holidays, but it makes you predictable -
- as in our industry means vulnerable.
This means that I can break you, when it should be.
When I die, I know the least what I died for.
You have at least one code.
The most do not.
I'll give you a chance.
Pull your team out.
This is the only way you can keep your family safe.
Does your brother never told you, that one should not threaten a man's family?
It's pretty stupid to do it.
But I'll cut it out of cardboard for you.
I pull myself out when she does it.
In this case...
It seems that the story has reached its end.
If that's the way it should be.
Let me guess...
Come on, you motherfucker.
Government rat.
- I'll talk to, Toretto. - You can be absolutely sure.
Riley? Shaw runs from Battersea and runs to the southeast.
Get Tej to track him.
I wonder what would have happened if I had put the tracking device on your car.
This has got me one step closer to Shaw. You should know -
- I hope you have come closer to what you want.
- It's just to have been worth it. - More than you know.
It's great.
I want to ask you something, Letty -
- and you should think very carefully about before you answer.
When I say you should put Toretto out of the game -
- what would your first thought be?
Why are you looking me in the eyes -
- and tell me what you see?
Keep it.
- What have we, Tej? - We tracked him -
- But we were only able to track him to a certain limit. He knows all the blind spots.
We lost the signal around here, so he is within a radius of 800 meters.
If we cross checked the phone records, leases...
No, it's typically Shaw. The vantage points -
- and multiple outputs. The subway, highway and sewers.
Do you know, I lose my job.
Okay. Let's get this bastard.
They are gone. There is nothing here.
There is never nothing.
It's always something.
Come on, guys!
Shaw! Animal is in place. Everything is on schedule.
Good. Send him.
What are you, Parker? Give me something good.
It was custom paint, was in Shaw's workshop.
- Heating and radar reflective paint. - For military use.
Exactly. We have a list of European bases that use it -
- but we can not find the type. - Cross-check it with Shaw's military objectives.
I guarantee that one of them matches.
Bingo! A NATO base in Spain.
Then Shaw in another country. He ​​has eight-hour head start.
Tej, give me information, then closes Riley and I base.
We must protect the device. I get your cars flown down there.
Get your Spanish plastered on boys. I'll see you in España.
You fucking bitch! You did it!
- What's up? Good to see you. - You too. What is happening?
They attack a NATO base in Spain. Shaws people were seen crossing the border.
Hobbs and Riley are taken down for to close the base. They meet us there.
- Where is Dom? - He would not leave without you.
I found out what happened to Letty. It's all my fault.
Whatever you have found out, is for your own sake.
What we need to do now, is for her sake.
We have put four teams in each watch and snipers on the roofs.
Keep your men away. When the truck arrives, I smash it like the walls of Jericho.
I just took him here to turn the security system off.
- Your base is compromised. - What do you suggest?
We do not do anything. We follow protocol. Does he think it is where we want it gone.
We need to be fast and invisible.
We get the egg out of the henhouse, and waiting for the fox comes.
They just caught one of Shaw's men. It's time.
There is something moldy know. The plan was, we were going to catch the guy.
Think about it. Interpol... You stood face to face with him.
- What do you suggest? - Braga said -
- that only comes close to Shaw, if he wants it.
- Where is the device Tej? - You move it to a safe place.
- Shaw does not attack the base. - He attacks the convoy.
Come on!
- The convoy has been attacked! - Get a helicopter immediately!
I'd better hurry up, boys. They've just taken over the convoy.
And Dom... Letty are with them.
We stick to the plan.
I heard him. Let's get it over with. Do not get away.
The system is ready.
We need another plan, guys.
- They have a tank. - Did someone just a tank?!
We've got company, guys. Toretto coming towards you.
Okay. Make weapons ready.
Give me satellite images.
- They're straight. - There you are.
- Who has a plan B? - Plan B? We need Plan C, D and E!
- We need more alphabets! - We do what we do best!
We improvise!
Get us to the other side. Let's enjoy ourselves a little.
What the hell is wrong with you? This was not part of the plan.
Get their attention away from the people!
You do not do this, Shaw!
- We have one right in front of us. - Who?
Goddamn it to hell!
You lucky bastard!
Hold, Roman!
Do something! Someone! I have a tank in the ass!
There must be an opening somewhere.
Well, look there! A bridge.
Fuck that.
We draw a car for us.
- Brian! The car is a good anchor! - I got it!
- Shaw! We must get rid of the car! - Get cable of Letty.
- What's she doing? - Shit!
Okay, Toretto.
Here you have your girl...
-... And your happy ending. - Letty!
For hell...
I can not believe they stole a tank to grab a chip of 85 grams.
The chip is more deadly than 1000 of the tanks.
What about her?
- Not her. - She worked with Shaw.
In the past tense.
But she has always been one of us.
Let's give them a moment.
Let's find Shaw and his men.
I have never enjoyed myself so much to write report.
I do not know how to say it, but...
It's all my fault. It was I who inserted you undercover.
Enough I can not remember anything -
- but I know at least one thing about myself.
You can not make me do anything, I do not want to.
So what's our next adventure?
What do you say we settle down?
- Where would it be? - Tokyo? You always talked about.
Then we say Tokyo.
Can I ask you something?
How did you know that there would be a car to break her fall?
I did not.
Sometimes you have to just having faith in it.
Toretto! You have to hear this.
I really believe that I have won.
The code I live by -
- is why that I have never been in the game.
I said what would happen if you pulled up, Toretto.
- Move! - But you did not listen.
I said I could break you, when it should be.
I have done.
Move! Now!
Maybe you should call Mia.
- Mia? - Brian!
This is how it's going to take place.
I take the handcuffs of me and then give me the chip -
- And you let me go outside to follow. - It must be joking.
Look at him again.
- Ask him if it's my joke. - One hostage -
- weighers no heavier than threat to millions of people.
I am very sorry but it changes nothing!
It changes everything.
Tell your men to lay down their arms.
Put ​​your weapons.
Toretto, you need to know -
- to the moment he goes out the door with the chip -
- so goes words like "amnesty" and "pardon" out with him.
The words disappeared the day we were born.
Are you coming, baby?
Course. I would not miss it.
As I said -
- so I was never in the game.
If I see you on the horizon, the girl is dead.
- What do we do with Torettos sister? - We do not need her anymore.
I just blocked all signals.
Let's go!
I'll go with you.
Where the hell does he think he's going? We are on a military base! He's trapped!
Can not you keep your big mouth shut? Now there's a plane!
It is not a plane. It is a planet!
Open the hatch.
She is as good as dead, if Shaw escapes.
So we let him get away.
Let's do it.
- Run or die. - Run or die.
Ask them to light!
- Easy! Easy! - We have too much weight on board!
We need more speed!
Hover under the wing. Can I hit the flap, they can not facilitate.
- Take care of yourself. - This is child's play.
What's going on out there?
Take the wheel!
Get in the car with you.
We can now facilitate! Come on!
- You hit the flap? - You better wear their seat belt. Now!
Wrong team, bitch!
I got you.
They have hit the flap! They pull us down!
Pull up! Pull up!
Team direction! Come on! It crashes!
Come on!
Where is Gisele?
Where is Gisele?
So this is all more billions worth?
Yes, it is.
Mention your price, Dom.
- Please do not burn them on again. - I will never know.
The air is polluted, and traffic is hell, but...
- I think you'll like it. - Yes. Here you can have your own garage.
- You can build a car with dad. - Should we build a car?
Your first car should be a Charger, Jack.
- You mean Surely a Skyline? - As I said, he is a Toretto.
- You confuses him. - Should he get away with it?
Do you really going to do it? In Tokyo, exactly?
Yes, there's something I have to.
You know that we stand behind you... Any time.
Mia! You'd better save the baby oil!
- It's just gas. - You better save your giant forehead.
It is now official. Are all free.
It was not bad to you to work for me.
We're all good, that you worked for me.
Let's agree to disagree.
- Thank you. - Good luck.
- Elena. - Letty.
This is awkward...
... And sexy as hell!
I want to thank you for everything you have done for him and for us.
It requires a great woman.
- He is a great man. - Yes, he is.
Try to keep him out of trouble.
- You know that well, I can not. - Yes, I know.
It was not bad for a cop to be.
I never thought that I should trust a criminal.
- I'll talk to. - We do.
You do not go, just so you know.
All this... It's your family.
It's who you are. This is my family.
This is who I am.
Let's get something to eat!
Let's get started.
He went first, then he should say grace. Those are the rules.
Does this familiar?
... But it feels like a home.
- It's good enough for me. - Come on. Let's get started.
Okay, Roman...
Bless our table.
Thank you, Father, for we are gathered with our friends.
We thank Thee for the choices we have made, for they make us who we are.
Let us forever remember our loved ones, we have lost.
Thanks for the newest, and thank you, because we've got Letty back -
- and first and foremost...
Thanks for fast cars!
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