


WOMAN: Some of those stars have been burnt out for a long, long time. They're dead, but once they were so bright that their light is still travelling through space. We can still see them.(有些星星,早已在很久很久以前燃烧殆尽。它们死了,但它们也曾经发出过耀眼的光芒,那些光芒穿过浩瀚的宇宙,终为我们的双眼所见。)
THOMAS: How can you tell which one is dead and which one is not?(你要怎么分辨一颗星星是死了还是活着呢?)
WOMAN: No,you can't,it's impossible.(看不出来的,这是不可能的事)It's a beautiful mystery,isn't it?(既美丽又神秘,对不对?)

MARIA: Wait. Did you hear that?
LUCAS: Mom,there's nothing we can do. We are almost there.We have to get to safety.
MARIA: No,we have to help the child.
LUCAS: Mom,if another wave catches us down here,we will die. We have to climb that tree right now.Come on.
MARIA: Where are you?
LUCAS: Mom,look at you,we need help! We cannot risk it.
MARIA: Listen.What if that boy was Simon or Thomas? What if they needed help? You'll want someone to help them,wouldn't we?
LUCAS: Simon and Thomas are dead!
MARIA: Even if it's the last thing we do.

THOMAS: I'm scared.
HENRY: I know,I know. I'm scared too. But you know,you know,the most scary bit for me...
THOMAS: When the water hit.
HENRY: No. After that,when I came up,I was on my own. That was the scariest part. And then I saw the two of you climbing to the tree. I didn't feel so scared anymore.I knew I wasn't on my own. You see? What if Mommy and Lucas are on their own right now... Imagine how scared they'll be.
THOMAS: We'll look for them together, you can...
HENRY: No! Thomas,you have to look after Simon. And I'm going to keep looking for them. Okay?

BRYAN: Yes,Henry?
HENRY: Bryan,it's me again. Look. I promise I won't stop looking until I find them,Okay? I don't know what to do,because it's nighttime. But I'll look in all hospitals,I'll look in all shelters.I will find them,I promise you that.

WOMAN: I have a family too. I've been saving my strength... Because I want to see them... One more time.

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