

When I was a kid, my mother told me that I was a little piece of blue sky that came into this world because she and Dad d me so much. It was only later that I realized that it wasn't exactly true. Most babies are coincidences. I mean, up in space you got all these souls flying around looking for bodies to live in. Then, down here on Earth, two people have sex or whatever and bam. Coincidence. Sure, you hear all these stories about how everyone plans these perfect families but the truth is that most babies are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control. They're accidents. Only people who have trouble making babies actually plan for them. I on the other hand, I'am not a coincidence. I was engineered. Born for a particular reason. A scientist hooked up my mother's eggs and my father's sperm to make a specific combination of genes. He did it to save my sister's life. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Kate had been healthy, I'd probably still be up in heaven or wherever waiting to be attached to a body down here on Earth. But coincidence or not I'm here.


I'm sorry, Jesse. I'm sorry I took all the attention when you were the one who needed it the most. Dad. I know I took your first love from you. I only hope that one day, you get her back. Mom, you gave up everything for me. Your work, your marriage, your entire life just to fight my battles for me every single day. I'm sorry you couldn't win. And to my baby sis, who was always so very little. I'm sorry I let them hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't take care of you. It was supposed to be the other way around.


My sister died that night. I wish I could say that she made some miracle recovery but she didn't. She just stopped breathing. And I wish I could tell you that there was some good that came out of it that through Kate's death we could all go on living. Or even that her life had some special meaning like they named a park after her, or a street or that the Supreme Court changed a law because of her. But none of that happened. She's just gone a little piece of blue sky now. And we all have to move on.

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