It's not often you find a man who's intelligent, sophisticated, has an appreciation for golden-age Hollywood and is a gentleman to boot.
to boot: moreover; in addition to. Kristen's an amazing girl, and sexy to boot!
sophisticated: having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience,也就是说见过世面的,有阅历的。这是一个很容易被误译的单词,字典里给出的解释是“诡辩的, 久经世故的”,但其实这个单词可以是褒义词(如同在这句话的解释),也可以是贬义词,解释为deprived of native or original simplicity,即“老于世故”的,但后者出现的情况不是很多。
- Clearly there's some sort of... blockage.
- Perhaps...
- No, Chuck.
- One more go-around, just to clear the pipes.
- You are not using Blair as sexual Drano.
Serena 去找Chuck, 正好碰见那个日本空姐,于是就聊起Chuck糜烂的sex life,只见Chuck一脸郁闷状,Serena恍然大悟,原来Chuck最近在sex方面是“屡败屡战,屡战屡败”。Chuck解释说是因为有些 blockage,他想到了找Blair来clear the pipes.
关键的地方来了。blockage本意是阻塞,你家的水管堵住了,就用blockage.而clear the pipe就是疏通管道。上文和下文是对应的,但这里用的是字面意思背后的metaphor. pipe, 可以用来指dick(omg, 希望没有人再用Dick这个英文名字了),而clear the pipe就是指you receive an orgasm from a girl; usually its when you haven't received sex in a while. 另外说一下,pipe这个单词除了指dick, 还可以用来指blow job, 来源据说是法语里一摸一样拼写的pipe, 读做"peep". (恩…这些单词都是当年看sex and the city学来的)
至于后面Serena叫Chuck不要把Blair当作是sexual Drano, 这里的Drano是一个排水管清洁剂的品牌,人家的作用就是用来clear the pipes的。
-You like him. He likes you. So just call him.
-He stood me up, remember?
He stood me up: 放我鸽子,让我空等一场。后面Vanessa看见Catherine和Nate在一起,就质问Is that the reason you keep canceling on me? 这句话也可以表示放鸽子的意思。
另外stand up for sb.可以解释为support. 后面有一个场景,Dan在公园里遇到三个小妹妹,很老成的在评论Dan与Serena复合的事情,其中有个小姑娘说Your whole breakup? We're on your side. 这句We’re on your side意思是“我们站在你这一边”,和stand up for是一个意思。
I got us a room at the Mercer. We can order in.
order in在这里是指点酒店的room service, 在房间里吃饭。日常生活中这个单词表示“叫外卖”。take out则是表示外带的意思,在快餐店里点餐,服务员会问你for here or to go, 或者for here or take-out? for here就是堂吃,to go或者take-out就是外带。而打包叫做wrap up,至于问服务员要打包的盒子,那就叫做doggy bag了。至于为什么要叫狗食袋,一种说法是最早美国人在餐厅吃剩下的东西,不好意思打包,怕别人觉得自己小气,于是就会问服务员要一个袋子,说是带回去给自己家的狗吃。久而久之,doggy bag就变成打包袋/盒的代名词了。
-You know, and if we just start telling people...
- What? What could anybody possibly say that would change this?
- You're right. I'm in.
不要小看I'm in这个短语,虽然简单,用处却很多。在这里表示“你是对的,就听你的吧”,在其他地方还可以表示“加入一个团队,加入一个活动”。比如你朋说周末组织一场篮球赛,你打算参加,你就可以说I'm in. 又比如你们谋划什么大行动,你大义凛然的说“算上我”,那也叫做I'm in.
Oh, this is awesome! You guys totally belong together.
这句话出现在Marcus撞见Blair与Chuck接吻的场景里,原意是“你们两个真是绝配啊”,根据说话语气不同,表达的含义也不一样。这里肯定是贬义 “你们两个极品,真是太配了”,在其他场合也可以是出于真心的赞美“你们真是天造地设的一对”,相当于说You guys are a perfect match.
-So when am I gonna get to see you again?
-Depends. Can I count on you not to cancel at the last second?
depends: 看情况吧
count on: 依靠,指望,也可以说rely on或者depend on. 它的否定句Don’t count on it也很常用,相当于“你别想了,别指望了,没戏了”。
Duchess, it's me. He's bringing her. And for the record, whatever you're planning with Nate, my bedroom floor is off-limits.
for the record: 一种用法是“必须指出,让我提醒你”,就是这句话里的含义。另外一个用法就是按照它的字面解释“正式记录在案,有记录可查的”。还有一个词组也很常用,就是off the record, 解释为“秘密的,不被记录的”,比如警察要盘问线人套资料,他跟线人说“你说的话不会纪录在案,不会被追究责任”,那么就可以说It’s off the record.
-Making sure you're okay. I tried calling, but-
-Oh, yeah. My phone died. Sorry.
手机没电:My phone died. 没电也可以说dead battery.
- Uh, you still positive you don't want me tagging along?
- Yeah. No offense, Dad, but I think you, me and Serena--Things are awkward enough.
- Well, tt's not like I'd have to be a third wheel. I can bring a date.
positive相当于sure, tag along尾随,跟随
No offense: 无意冒犯。当你要说一些比较直接但又是事实的话(比如说对方很boring,或者很胖之类的),就会先说no offense——我无意冒犯,不过我们就事论事的说……
third wheel: 就是第三者啦
-But someone could walk in. Dorota or...
-So? Didn't you see "Atonement"? That scene in the library when they're discovered?
-Mm. No. No, Blair. That's not you.
-It's not?
-You're a delicate little flower, Nothing like that tart, Keira Knightley.
这个出现在比较开头的部分,Marucs帮忙Blair准备party,Blair在客厅里挑逗他。其中提到的Atonement(赎罪),是Keira Knightley和James McAvoy一起主演的电影,其中有个场景就是他们两人在家里的图书馆里发生sex,并且被女主人公的妹妹撞见,由此引发了后面的悲剧……anyway,个人认为Keira Knightley在这一段里穿绿色长裙的形象是非常stunning的。这部电影及它的原著,都很值得一看。
Ralph Lauren adores you.
发生在Cathrine带Nate去买衣服的那个场景。Ralph Lauren是衣服品牌,最著名的就是它的POLO衫了。Friends里的Rachel就在这个公司工作,其中有一集Ralph还亲自客串,和Rachel同搭一部电梯。
Relax. Nothing happened with Madame Butterfly.
Chuck找了一个日本空姐,当时管家还很嘲的说"Sir, the flight from tokyo has landed." Madame Butterfly就是蝴蝶夫人,这位蝴蝶夫人在歌剧里就是一个日本人。
No, Nate. There are no "but"s. You lied to me, And you're sleeping with some Mrs. Robinson.
- Say "Mom", and I will kill you in your sleep.
- Decaf, Serena. I was going to say "Mrs. Bass".
decaf: 这里指那些uncool, lame, stupid的事情。本意是不含咖啡因的咖啡,国内的Starbucks就有提供,无论是cappuccino还是latte,任何口味的咖啡都可以是decaf的,只要你在买的时候跟店员说明一下就可以。
No, wait. Just hold on for a second. You crash the party and you tell me to break it off with Catherine and then
you pull an 180 and you tell me to stay with her and then you just bolt. I... I mean, did I do something...
crash the party: To enter a party uninvited
break it off with: 和某人断绝往来,注意它和break up的差别,后者是分手的意思。
pull an 180: 当然就是态度180度大转弯啦,change your mind的另外一种说法。
bolt: run away, 逃跑,闪了
It’s having to see them date someone else that's hard. Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get?
- A twisted version of foreplay?
- Ignoring you.
rub it in one’s face: 故意触人痛处。后来Serena, Dan, 还有Dan在学校认识的那个女孩子一起约会,期间S认识了一个曲棍球(lacrosse)队队长,并且把他带到Dan的面前示威,Dan就对S说”You invite me out so you can rub lacrosse guy in my face?”
twisted: 变态。另外一个表示变态的单词是pervert,不过它特指那些很“色狼”的行为,例如偷窥,或者有一些特殊癖好。
ignoring you: 不理你了
- Cashing out so soon, Humphrey?
- You really should wear a bell.
- Kinky. I'll think about it. I hope you're not leaving.
cash out: to bounce or to go to bed. e.g. The movie is lame, I’m gonna cash out to somewhere else.另外注意take off这个单词,也可以表示离开的意思,而且要用进行时: I’m taking off. cash out来自形容词cashed, 表示灭了(is gone, run out), 耗尽了(reach the end of its useful life)或者形容傻的(boring, stupid).
kinky: 这里相当于weird或者bizarre. 不过kinky还可以指sexually deviant(在sex方面有特殊癖好的),而且这个意思很常用。老外特别总结了kinky sex种类,包括: Foot-sucking, rubber wearing, pee on me, fruit-fxxkin', candlewax drippin', long fingernail scrapin', tossed salad eatin',multiple partner havin', she-male, oil-drenched, chocolate sauce, whipped cream covered,vibrator usin',dress-up,banned in 30 states type of sex
Amanda, we have a few ground rules here. Now that we're all friends, you should know that dating someone's ex is frowned upon.
ground rules: 基本规则
frown upon: frown就是皱眉头的动作,这里就是说你约会朋友的前任男友,肯定会被大家否定,会被鄙视的。英语中有很多用动作表示态度的词组,比如shrug off(耸肩),意思就是耸肩表示蔑视;比如thumb up(伸出大拇指),那么就是表示顶呱呱的意思;同样的,thumb down,就是表示很烂的了。所以遇到这些身体部位的词组,可以想象一下自己做这个动作时候要表示什么意思,那么多半就能猜出词组的含义了。
And I can't confront Catherine because the butler(管家) will remember me and she'll drop the dime on the captain.
confront: 正面对质。强调与某人正面对话,而且很有自信。
drop the dime on: 告密,the act of snitching, ratting, or otherwise disclosing information meant to hurt or discredit someone else. This a play on tips and selling someone out.
How can I use this to get Nate off the hook?
off the hook: 从某个困境中解放出来,这个说法来自于形容鱼脱离鱼钩,引申的含义就表示逃离困境、责难等不好的情况。另外,the phone is off the hook,表示电话没有挂好。
Hooking up with your dad's second wife? I thought my family was twisted, but you people take the cake.
hook up with:
这里指have sex,不过当它表示这个意思的时候,你hook up的对象,通常不是你的恋人或者爱人,就比如Catherine和Marcus这种的。hook up还可以指make out(亲热)或者hang out(外出约会)。总之两个人搞在一起了,就可以用hook up.
take the cake: to be the winner. 以前美国南部的奴隶主会举行一种叫做cakewalking的比赛,参加比赛的都是黑奴,步态优美者就能获得一块蛋糕作为奖励。
- It's only happened a few times, and I put a stop to it when I met you.
- I really opened myself up to you.
- Can't... can't we still...
- Oh, please. I just want to get through this without throwing up in my mouth.
open myself up to you: 我向你敞开了心扉
throw up: “吐”在口语中最常用的就是throw up和puke了,至于vomit,是医学上的讲法。
Catherine, whatever it is, just spare me. What do you mean? Vanessa talked to the duke? No, I told her to stay out of this.
spare me: give me a break, 放过我,饶了我,别来烦我了
stay out of this: 不要插手这件事情。
This art director just ran off with the husband of this photo editor. So I sat all of "Vanity Fair" between them. I figured we'd want to avoid a catfight in front of the catwalk.
run off: 逃跑,这里有“私奔”的含义在里面。“私奔”也可以说elope.
Vanity Fair: 《名利场》杂志(http://www.vanityfair.com/),讲很多名流的八卦。这里喻指把这两个冤家位置分开,让那些名流们坐在他们中间。
catfight: two women fighting
catwalk: T台
It seems that Dartmouth's whole English department was poached by Yale.
poach: 这里是to steal. 作为名词,还可以解释为“水煮荷包蛋”。
scrambled egg 炒蛋(和中餐的炒蛋不一样,里面通常会放cheese一起炒,盐和胡椒也需要自己另外加)
omelet 煎蛋卷(就是把煎蛋卷起来,里面包火腿、洋葱、青椒、香菇等)
fired egg, sunny side up荷包蛋(只煎一面)
fried egg, over easy荷包蛋(两面都煎)
She shouldered most of the workload at the atelier this week.
shoulder: 我们中国人说的“肩负重任”,英文就是shoulder the workload
Blair would be furious. Things are already tense between us.
最近我们关系紧张,可以用Things are already tense between us这个短语。
You know that jenny's working with your mom tonight. I also know that you don't have my daughter's best interests at heart.
你并不是真的关心我女儿的事情。注意红色部分的表述,作为一个non native speaker, 我们比较少会想到用这样的表述。
Oh, how generous, serena. I should feel so blessed that you would include me in your little group.
bless: lucky 这个单词出现了两次,另外一次是Eleanor谈到她的publicist,说It's a blessing she was hauled off to(离开) rehab for stealing her son's Ritalin.
That guy just said I'm a hooker.
Did you just call my girlfriend a prostitute?
It was an honest mistake. It's not my fault your girlfriend dresses like a high-class call girl.
hooker, prostitute, call girl都是“妓女”的意思,另外我记得还有一个单词叫做escort,也可以表示妓女或者男妓。
honest mistake: 无心之错
When the phone rang in the dead of the night, I expected
a booty call from Lucy the stewardess, not a call from lockup(拘留所).
booty call: 跟靴子无关,其实就是call for sex,通常是不用负责任的那种,no strings attached.
I told laurel my daughter could make a better seating chart than that drug-addled publicist.
drug-addled: drug毒品,addled腐坏的,混乱的,drug-addled指一个人吃的毒品种类太多了,都混在一起,无法辨别出他到底吃的是哪种。
大麻:pot (smoke pot,“抽大麻”最常用的讲法), weed, joint, substance, marijuana (marijuana有点像是专有名词,口语中很少用)
迷幻剂:LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
- Wow. wow, that's cool. You just signal the bartender, and she sends over a line of shots? Do you…do you have another signal if you want a martini?...All right, pass me the shots.
The liquor's just a chaser.
liquor是酒的意思,chaser本意是“追逐的人,跟在后面的人”,用在喝酒上面就是特指“在烈酒之后喝的清淡饮料”,通常是啤酒或者水。在这个场景里,Chuck给Dan一粒药丸(应该是摇头丸之类的),同时点了tequila, 意思是这个很烈的tequila跟药丸比起来,就如同清水而已了,只是给你送药用的。
liquor: 酒 hard liquor 就是烈酒 一般用high ball(大玻璃杯)来装,想象一下whiskey的杯子就明白了。
martini: 马天尼,有专门的martini glass,就是锥形的高脚杯。Sex And The City里的Carrie就专门点Cosmopolitan martini.
shot: 纯的不含饮料和冰块的酒,用小酒杯装,一杯就叫做一个shot, Chuck点的就是这个
cocktail: 鸡尾酒是由多种酒混合而成的,成分包括:liquor(烈酒)和liqueur(甜酒)及mix(调酒用饮料,包括各种 juice,soda,coke或milk)。由于加了mix,所以口感很好,不会喝酒的同学一定要小心,千万不要因为没有酒味而猛喝一气,非常容易醉的。cocktail的名称都很有趣,比如螺丝钻,新加坡司令,血腥玛丽,我喜欢的是B52轰炸机和长岛冰茶。
另外要注意,点酒的时候,如果要加冰,那叫做on the rocks, 不加冰就是straight up. 还有我们通常说的drink,就是指酒,比如你请别人喝酒,就是let me buy you a drink. 而饮料则是beverage或者soft drink.