---That is only the second time... a weapon has ever jammed on me. First time was during training for gulf one. 这只是第二次...我的枪居然卡住了,第一次是在海湾战争的训练中
---As soon as it happened, the commanding officer, he got in my face and he said, "Son, a weapon jam on the battlefield, you might as well call that suicide."
---Maybe that gun jammed for a reason. 也许枪坏掉就是有原因的
Bring me the money, bring me the boat. 把钱给我 把船给我
---How much further would I have to go? 我还要走多远?
---For this, you only have to go to Panama 只需去次巴拿马
No games. No nothing. 不要勾心斗角或者别的什么秘密
It was good knowing you, Sara. 认识你真好,Sara
---Just one is needed. 我们只需要一个活口
---I assume we both know which one that is. 我想你我都明白这个活口是谁
---You’re busted. 你完蛋了
---Am I? 是吗?
Cancer of my life. 生活的麻烦
--- “Bueno suerte.” What’s that mean? “Bueno suerte.”是什么意思?
---Good luck! 祝你好运
Consider it done. 就这么说定了
---Another reason we are all here. 我们齐聚一堂的另一个原因。
---Like that. Like a double-cross. 比如这个,比如玩过河拆桥
The highest honor was to smile when they shot you.
I love you. --- It was me. It was me. 我爱你。……是我干的,是我干的
Forget about them. Forget I ever existed. 忘了票的事情 忘了我曾经存在
---I got what you wanted. 我给你你想要的东西
---You got caught, Bagwell. 可是你被捕了,Bagwell
---You know he’s gonna break out. It’s in his blood.
---That’s exactly what we want him to do. 我们正是要让他越狱