D. had spoken
B. didn’ t feel C. haven't felt D. hadn't felt
D. are playing
C. has met D. would meet
C. is calling D. was calling
D. has
C. will make D. had made
B .bad; well C .badly; good D .badly; well
C. wonderfully D. nicely
D. will write
D. will work
C. see D. will see
D. Have; listened to
D. was open
D. she has failed
C. have known D. were known
C. are going to learn D. have learned
D. am walking
B. will look for C. has looked for D. looks for
C. were having
B. watches C. watched
C. rang D. will ring |
D. has been away |
C. when D. that
C. If she won’t come
D. because
B. has gone C. will go D. are going |
D. where she has been
C. where D. there
C. whether is it D. whether it is.
B. why will he go to
D. where
B. whom C. who D. that
C. when D. who
C. which
C. whom D. whose
D. whose
B. when C. that D. which
C. If D. But
C. if D. so |
C. is going to have
D. will have
D. were asked
C. have caused D. will cause
D. be used to making
D. will be offered
D. was spoken
D. has told
C. send D. are sending
C. is received D. receiving
D. are planted |
B. little by little C. now and then D. one by one
C. nearly D. hardly
B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. more or less
C. bad D. worst
D. smaller
C. strongest D. the strongest
C. worse D. bad
D. most difficult
C. happily D. more happily |
C. so am I D. I am, too
C.So I do D.So am.
C. I needn’t D. I mustn’t
D. mustn't
D. doesn't have to
D. might
C. needn’t D. wouldn’t
C mustn't D. needn't
D .has she
C. Yes, of course D .No, sometimes
C. haven’t you D. won’t you
C.that D. this
D.won’t you
D. is it
D. isn’t there |
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