



  Eckhart Tolle said,“Where there is anger, there is always pain underearth.”艾克 哈勃˙托勒说过:怒火之下必暗藏痛苦。 - -----said by morgan Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they thinkof you.------H.Jackson Browb Jr. 要让你的孩子每当想到公正和诚信时就会想到 你。----小杰克森˙布朗(美国作家) 


  It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you but trusting them not to. 据说爱会给予对方摧残你的能力,同时又让你相信对方不会 这么做。 ------ said by morgan (Land your plane 有话直说) For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. ----Bo Bennett. 不论有多么好的理由去欺骗,都有更好的理由而诚实。-----贝 纳特。 ------said by morgan 


  Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin.----Barbara Kingsolver. 记忆是个复杂的东西,它接近真相,却不是真相本身。 -----芭芭 拉˙金所沃尔。--------said by prentiss Nothingfixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it. -------Michel de Montaigne. 若你想要忘却某事,它就会成为你记得最牢的事. ---蒙田(法国思想家散文家著有《蒙田随笔录》 ) 


  We are each our own devil and we make this world our own hell.-----Oscar Wilde. 我们内心的魔鬼将这个世界变成了地狱。-----奥斯卡˙王尔德 -----said by prentiss (Fount of wisdom 智慧之泉 chocolate thunder 甜心炸弹 Spring Equinox 春 分) All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. -----Edgar Allan Poe. 你 我所见所想,不过是镜花水月。----爱伦坡 ------said by hotch 


  Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying true to a lie. ---Robert Brault. 比说谎更可怕的是用一生来维系-----罗柏˙布劳特 -----said by morgan 


  Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.---William Blake 宁可扼杀一个襁褓的婴儿也不要让未出场额欲望滋长。---威廉˙布莱克 ---said by hotch. Someone once said that every seed, even malignant ones, they wont grow unless they get water from someplace. 有人说过每个种子即使是恶意的种子,没有滋养就不会发芽。---said by morgan


  The philosopher Voltaire wrote,”To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.”----哲学家伏尔泰曾写道:对生者我们当予尊重;对死者我们 当予真相。 -----said by rossi (Terrorist 恐怖分子 serial killer 连环杀手) Irish statesman and author Edmund Burke once wrote,”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 爱尔兰政治家和作家埃德 蒙˙波克曾写过:邪恶唯一的胜利就是好人的无所作为。 ----said by morgan Season07Episode23-24

  Fear is met and destoryede with courage.-----James F.Bell. 恐惧终会被勇气摧毁。-----詹 姆士˙F˙贝尔 -------said by JJ Hes my love of 66 years, my story. 我们相爱了六十六年,我的故事。----一对老夫妇的 话(PS 我感动死了。。。) 。。。 Im always heard every ending is also a beginning and we just dont know it at the time. Id like to believe thats true.我总听说一件事情的结束往往是另一件事情的开始,我们只是当时 没有发觉而我愿意相信那是真的。 -----said by prentiss

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