1、 我不需要那些不如我的人对我的肯定。
1、i don’t need validation from lesser minds.
2、 火箭科学家?火箭科学家?你怎么不干脆告诉他们我在金门大桥收过路费?我是研究弦论的理论物理学家。火箭科学家!太侮辱人了!
2、The rocket scientist? The rocket scientist? Why don’t you just tell them that I’m a toll-taker at the golden gate bridge? I’m a theoretical physicist. Rocket scientist, how humiliating!
3、 我觉得我更像一只杜鹃,你知道的,把蛋下在普通鸟巢里的一种更高等的生物。当然,新生的杜鹃把所有的食物都吃掉了,它那些平凡的同胞只能饿死。对你来说很幸运,比喻到此就结束了。
3、I always thought I was more like a cuckoo bird, you know a superior creature whose egg is placed in the nest of ordinary birds, of course, the newly hatched cuckoo eats all the food, leaving the ordinary siblings to starve to death. Luckily for you, that’s where the metaphor ended.
4、 我为人类悲哀。
4、I weep for humanity.
5、 从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事。
5、I haven’t forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.
6、 我是“聪明人”?要被归为“聪明人”我得去掉60点智商才行。
6、I’m “smart”? I’d have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as “smart”.
7、 你们那艘要沉的船上又招募了什么老鼠啊?
7、What rat have you recruited to the sinking ship?
另外每集播放的主题曲:是由Barenaked Ladies演唱的《The Big Bang Theory Theme》。
主题曲《The Big Bang Theory Theme》歌词
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait.140亿年前终于爆了炸等着看吧!
The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温
The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄
Neanderthals developed tools,尼安德特人发明工具
We built the wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学 历史揭开神秘
That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始
Since the dawn of man is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了
The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走
The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了
They tried to leap but they were late想要突变没来得及
And they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)
The oceans and pangaea大洋和泛古陆
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜才不想学你
Set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸
It all started with the big BANG!一切都从大爆炸开始
It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀但有一天
It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌我们将不会在那里所以不会觉得疼痛
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们最美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸
Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们
Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教或是天文, e百科旧约申命记
It all started with the big bang!一切都从大爆炸开始
Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology音乐和神话,爱因斯坦和占星术
It all started with the big BANG!一切都从大爆炸开始
It all started with the big BANG!一切都从大爆炸开始
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