College Life - 小品剧本(2)


T: Yeah, Ken’s right. Safety is the only way to go home.
G: Well, I’ll be more careful in the future. Thanks for your advice.
T: You’re hurt. How are you going to class later?
K: We can help him go to class.
T: That’s a good idea.
G: I really appreciate your help. In the past we had a bad relationship, but now we’re good friends.
K: Yeah, I should find something meaningful to do, and make my life happy like yours.
T: I think that I should open my mind, then life will be happier than before.

Scene Ⅶ

(In the girls’ dorm)
A: Oh, my…Are you OK?
M: I feel just a little painful.
A: Can you forgive me that I misunderstood you?
M: I've already forgiven you. Anyway, we’re best friends.
A: Thanks, I’ll treat you to dinner….
M: Really? Where will we go?
A: Hung-Lin, of course.
M: Oh, no!

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