

  A I don’t think so.English is widely used throughout the world.We can find a good job in the furture if our English is well.(我不这么认为,英语在世界上被广泛应用,如果我们的英语足够好的话,将来我们可以找到一个好的工作)

  B But you know,I saw the dull words and grammar to feel have a headache(但是你知道的,我一看到那些枯燥的单词和语法就感到头痛)

  A So we should…

  D(打断A的话)Please stop! (BD)Let us continue to, leave him alone.(请停下,让我们继续,不要管他)


  A(作无奈状)Ok,OK..have a good time!!

  E As time went by,the A’s English level is higher an higher,but the BCD still keep away from study and their friend A.(随着时间的推移,A的英语水平越来越高,而BCD在远离学习的同时也疏远了他们的朋友A)



  B Recently there has been a large release of Hollywood,Let’s go to the Movie theatre(最近有一部新的好莱坞大片上映了,让我们一块去电影院吧)

  C How about calling the A?(要不要叫上A?)

  D Oh,no..Don't disturb the diligent child.(不,不要打扰勤奋的孩子..讽刺)

  E This situation continued until the English Band Four Test results released(这种情形一直持续到英语四级考试结果公布)



  D(手指着成绩单的最后几排) you you me.(你你我)

  B Oh my god,we don’t pass the exam(天呐,我们没有通过这个考试)

  D I begin to feel regertful.(我开始感动后悔了)

  B Yes,mabye..mabye,A is right.(也许,也许..A是对的)

  C But we have already wasted a lot of time,no one can save us(但是我们已经浪费了大量的时间,没有人可以拯救我们)

本文《4人英语短剧剧本《珍惜时间,学好英语》(2)》由中国大陆最受欢迎的【台词网(TaiCiWang.COM)】整理收集,如果您喜欢,请分享并推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的访问! 欢迎热心网友投稿,投稿邮箱:mail@taiciwang.com