

  Zoe: Yes, basically yes. But we also need a phone call to make sure she will go home very soon.

  Cecily: How about talk her that “You’re house is on fire.” And I’ll let her home early. But who will call her?

  Jodie: Don’t worry, Zoe will do it.

  Zoe: OK. The last, remember tomorrow 9:00pm at Sue’s home. We’ll be waiting for the poor baby.

  Vicky, Faith, Cecily, Jodie: Poor baby.

  Zoe: Any questions?

  V, F, C, J: No.

  Jodie: Cheers! Wish everything is “fine”.

  V, F, Z, C: Cheers!

  They drink together.

  At the day. Sue has a bad morning at the beginning.

  Sue: Oh my god. (feel scared and look at the alarm clock) I’m late. My boss

  will kill me (shouted).

  Then she goes to work immediately. She rides her motorcycle over speed and the policewoman Jodie stops her.

  Jodie: (blow a whistle) Hey, stop! Stop! Do you know you drive too fast and exceed the speed limit a lot?

  Sue: (feel wronged) Sorry…I…. (stammer)

  Jodie: (interrupt Sue) Don’t speak anymore! And don’t argue with me.

  Sue: (pleadingly) But….could you let me go, please.

  Jodie: No way!! (Resolutely)

  Sue gives up and get the fine from Jodie.

  In the coffee shop—When Sue gets to the shop, she finds that her boss Cecily is busying in the bar.

  Sue: Sorry, sorry…(still apologize to her boss) I’m so sorry that I’m late.

  Cecily: (glare at Sue) Don’t say anything at this time. You should do you work right now.

  Sue: (stun) OK…I’ll do at once.

  Cecily: Go away. Don’t stay in my way.

  Then Sue wears her uniform and does her work.

  Vicky: Waitress. Come here! (raises her hand and feels angry)

  Sue goes there very quickly.

  Sue: May I help you?

  Vicky: (speak louder) Where is my meal? I’m waiting for a long long long time.

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