

Andy: It is true. I love Marcell. I am sorry.
Greta: I love you so much. I can give anything you want. Why did you betray me?
Andy: Greta, calm down, please.
Greta: Ha! My boyfriend loves another girl. How can I calm down? I want to break up with you right now.
Andy: Ok, do as your wish.
Greta: I don’t want to see you anymore.


Scene V
(Andy and Marcell went to see a romantic movie. They talked with each other happily. They were on the way to Marcell’s place.)
Marcell: Well, what do you think about the movie?
Andy: I think that is a good movie.
Marcell: You are right. But the actor died of saving his country finally.
Andy: Don’t be sad. That’s just a movie.
Marcell: I know.
Andy: Next time I will take you to a place to see the stars. The scenery is beautiful.
Marcell: Ok. When can I see you again?
Andy: Tomorrow. At 6:00 pm.
(As soon as Marcell arrived home, she made a phone call.)
Marcell: May I speak with Ken, please?
Ken: This is Ken speaking.
Marcell: Honey, I just arrived home. I’m so tired.
Ken: What made you so tired?
Marcell: I went to see a movie with my friend. It’s so boring.
Ken: You need to take a rest, and I have many things to do now.
Marcell: Ok, but you have to go shopping with me this Saturday.
Ken: Sure. I will spend a special weekend with you.
Marcell: Really? Dear, I love you.
Ken: Me, too. Good night.

Scene VI
(Greta found the secret about Marcell. Greta told Benson and Vicky about it.)
Greta: I want you to know something bad about Marcell. Marcell has many boyfriends.

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