

  Anderson, don't talk out loud.You lower the IQ of the whole street.

  安德森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商 (平凡大大多数)

  Anderson, face the other way. You are putting me off.


  Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?


  Listen. This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. REALLY useful.


  Do you know the big problem with a disguise,Mr Holmes? However hard you try, it's always a self-portrait.I think you're damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power. In your case, it's yourself.

  你知道化装术的最大弱点在哪吗?不管多么努力 都只能描绘出一幅自画像。我觉得你深受创伤妄自尊大,崇尚某种强力。对你来说,那就是你自己。

  Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me or you’re nothing—because we’re just alike, you and I. Except you’re boring. You’re on the side of the angels.

  每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。没有我你什么都不是-因为我们很相像。除了,你很无趣,你站在天使一边。—(by Moriarty, “The Reichenbach Fall”) (和sherlock 一样自我定位非常清晰)

  Honey, you should see me in a crown.

  你应该看看我带皇冠的样子—(by Moriarty, “The Reichenbach Fall”)

  Listen, what I said before, John, I meant it. I don’t have friends; I’ve just got one. — Sherlock Holmes, “The Hounds of Baskerville”(又一个文字游戏,无非是为了变着花地表白)

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