

  Dr. Brand here talks about death and last moments you spend on this world. He claims you shouldn’t go down easily, taking the option of laying on a comfortable bed and awaiting for the angels to take you away. No, you should remain in fighting spirit and be more passionate than ever before. It just means you have little time remaining to leave a lasting impression and a lot of the time, the final moments of a man become what people remember about him the most. It’s about passion and not giving


  Dr. Brand here talks about death and last moments you spend on this world. He claims you shouldn’t go down easily, taking the option of laying on a comfortable bed and awaiting for the angels to take you away. No, you should remain in fighting spirit and be more passionate than ever before. It just means you have little time remaining to leave a lasting impression and a lot of the time, the final moments of a man become what people remember about him the most. It’s about passion and not giving up。


  This quote actually goes completely against Brand’s character as it is revealed he had already given up on the human race and had sent Cooper and the crew away to find new life for humanity. It is interesting what people can say to hide their true nature。


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