我来当兵就是为了打仗 I became a soldier because I wanted to be in battles. 还真拿自己当回事了是吧 You think you'retough,huh? 挺能打是吧 You're pretty lethal,huh? 咋不弄死我呀 Well you'd better kill me....
好不容易弄到的,因为这在当时是很敏感的案件,明天去找他们吗? 朴信慧:是。 代我问个好,告诉他们有空的时候来玩,他们应该不会再来这里吧。 朴信慧:谢谢,爸爸。 天灵灵,地灵灵,星星月亮。 童子仙光临了啊,....
那一年是1985年 The year was 1985, 当时最火爆的电视节冒是 and the number one show on TV was... 坏蛋布莱特 Evil Bratt! 以统治世界为终生目标的犯罪大师 bent on world domination. 我可是个坏小子 I've been a....
今天有新同学转到我们班来 干什么啊 很开心吧 石田 听说是女生 是吗 我又没兴趣 都坐好了吧 那么新同学 请做一下自我介绍吧 大家好 我叫西宫硝子 希望可以通过这本笔记本和大家成为朋友,请大家在跟我沟通的时候,把....
从小给他擦屁股 I've been cleaning up his mess since he was akid. 认可了我的才华 准备要投资我 recognized my talent and was ready to invest inmy project today. 为了那点钱你脸都不要啦 How could you sacri....
我现在有点事不太方便 Hey, I'm kinda in the middle of something right now. 我会让全世界都知道你是什么样的人 I'm gonna let the whole world know who you really are. 我答应你爸爸保护你这是我的责任 I made ....
A男:这是一本正在连载的网络小说,但是还没有结尾,我们公司想买下它的版权改变成剧本,可我联系不到作者,想请你帮帮我。 安生:我从来不看小说,也不看网络小说。 A男:这是你好朋友七月写的,是你们俩的故事,从....
(接上) 来来自于中国。现在全世界60%以上的水泥产量是由中国来贡献的。2009年中国成为继日本和美国之后,机动车年产量和销售量突破一千万的世界上第三个国家。那么仅仅过了四年时间,也就到了2013年中国的机动车生....
詹姆斯说我们一旦找骊靬古城, James says they'll float a stock offering, 公司就能借此马上上市。 on the market the minute we find Regum. 之后我们想去哪儿考古都行。 Then we can excavate wherever we want.....
你怎么老是病殃殃的,你跟我一样大的时候也经常生玻 You're always sick. You were sick when you were my age. 晚上好,先生,晚上好,维克特。 Evening,sir, Evening,Victor. 没想到你还在这里, I didn't realize....
宋朝有个女子叫潘金莲。 In the Song Dynasy lived a woman named Pan Jinlian. 长得颇有几分姿色。 who possessed an alluring beauty. 潘金莲的丈夫叫武大。 Pan Jinlian's husband was named Wu Da. 武大有个弟弟....
全体注意,卫星摄像头运转正常 All eyes are up, Sat cams are good. 目标现身 Target is inbound. 预计5分钟后抵达 ETA five minutes. 行动开始 重复 行动开始。 Mission is a go.Repeat, you are green to go. 拦....
我是周晓易, My name is Xiaoyi Zhou, 我玩世不恭,不学无术。 who has been idle and living in Australia for a decade. 打着留学的旗号, The day that I will graduate from the school, 在悉尼混了十年胡天黑地....
快逃啊,有敌来袭, Run, the enemies are coming. 快逃啊, Be quick.Run. 囚犯甲:你们去哪儿? PRISONER 1:Where are you going? 囚犯乙:救救我, PRISONER 2:Helo me! 囚犯丙:在这边 PRISONER 3:Over here!....
有线人的消息过来吗? Any word from our undercover informants? 目前还没有。 Not yet. 货在城北公路。 The dropoff will be on the Northern Highway. 这次要抓现行。 Catch them in the act. 快。 Hurry. 他们采....
阿峰。 Qifeng. 怎么了? What's wrong? 在下岳宏, My name is Yue Hong. 初次见面, Nice to meet you, 请多多关照。 Please pay respect. 请我们的沪上明珠, Please welcome the brightest star of Shanghai. 夏....
求求你,求求你。 Please! Please! 抱歉,我不会说阿尔巴尼亚语。 I'm sorry,I don'tspeak Albanian! 住手,我不明白。 Stop!I don't understand! 现在明白了吗? Do you understand now? 指着我脑袋的是杰里科941手....
快点,伙计们,你们得找到那个叛徒。 Hustle up, guys.You've got to get that defector. 并且立即撤离,不要拖延。 and get the hell out of there.No delays. 小鼠,你准备好你的18岁成人礼了吗? Mouse,are you r....
要说真话, Be honest, 不要说假话。 Don't lie. 否则一语成... Or else you'll have it coming. 为什么呢? Why? 面包房每天来送点心的那个伙计小张, You know the baker boy comes to deliver pastries every da....