1. Oct. 11th,another girl had been reported missing,bring total to 40.
Their ages all around thirtheen years old age,and their nationality and family backgroud are various.
It's intresting to knw that each of these girls is all nice in martial arts and sports.
Ever since the Roman evidence,Maden M and her organization are not in surface.
Could it be,one female assassin is dead,that's more be trained to take her place.
That's the case,I am afraid,all these girls are discarded for life,and never be helped.
2. May I join you? You are a fighter.Would you like this? It's yours if you want it.
Go ahead and choose whatever you like.I can take you to where all the best fighters go.
You can become one of them,do you want to come with me?
3. listen up,here is your assignment.Kill the nearest girl and bring her body outside.
Anyone who isn't out in 2 minutes will be shot!
4. Congratulations ladies,you are the survivors.You show your courage and strengh in every imaginable situation.
Take a good look around you,these girls are not your friends anymore.
Only one of you will survive in tomorrow's exercise,who will that be.
Get some sleep,ladies.Tomorrow it's a graduation day for one of you.
5.--This is your new home,and these girls are your sisters.
--I want to go home.
--I want my mommy.
--From the time being,you can think of me as your mommy.
--You are not my mommy,and you can't tell me what to do.
--You really want to go?
--Yes, I don't like here, and I don't like you!
--ALl right, you can go now.GO!
6.--The water is so nice,i feel sitting in the bottom the ocean ,Kate.It's so peaceful.
--Have you ever though that we'd have to kill some one we don't even konw.
--I don't dare to.
--It's not up to you,this is our fate together,we can't run from it.
--I konw I can't do it.
--Well,we'll make a lot of money for a life from here.We have to do it.Come on,let's go.
7.Afer the day,your body no longer belongs to you.It's now your greastest weapon.
You must be willing to do anything to please a man no matter how well.
Because a man's happiest moment is also his weakest.
我好想让你知道 其实我是一个很保守的男孩
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