Sally: I was a hero, goddamn it!
Man [On TV]: ... an act clearly meant to send a signal to the government in Saigon that violence and oppression is not the way to peace.
clearly: 明显地 signal: 信号 violence: 暴力 oppression: 压迫
“Come senators, congressmen. Please heed the call. Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall. For he that gets hurt. Will be he who has stalled.
There's a battle outside and it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.For the times they are achangin'”
Man A: Fuck you, pigs!
“Come mothers and fathers throughout the land. And don't criticize what you can'tunderstand. Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are achangin'”
Man B: Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.
祝你好运,Gorsky先生。(阿姆斯特朗在返回飞行舱飞回地球时,对世界说了这一句奇妙 的话)
“Come gather 'round, people. Wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around youhave grown. And accept it that soon. You'll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you isworth savin'. Then you better start swimmin'. Or you'll sink like a stone. For the times theyare achangin'”
Man C: Get out of here, vigilantes!
vigilant: 治安委员会成员
Man D: No!
Gallagher: Edward Blake. Sixtyseven years old. Sixtwo, a solid 225. Guy was built like a linebacker.
solid: 结实的 linebacker: 橄榄球的中后卫
Edward Blake,67岁,6英尺,2 225磅重。体格跟个后卫一样。
Fine: Yeah, I saw the body. For a guy his age, he was in terrific shape.
terrific: 极好的 shape: 身材
Gallagher: You mean apart from being dead? That's plate glass. You'd have to step on the gas just to put a crack in it.
apart from: 撇开 plate glass: 平板玻璃 step on the gas: 加大汽车油门 crack: 裂缝
Fine: Had to have been thrown. Check the bedroom?
check: 检查
Gallagher: Yeah. Drawers opened, tossed through. Mattress flipped. Probably robbery.
drawer: 抽屉 toss: 扔 mattress: 床垫 flip: 翻动 robbery: 抢劫
Fine: Or made to look like one.
Gallagher: See this? Shaking hands with the president.
Fine: Whoa. Think Blake was a spook? Government or black ops?
spook: [俚语]间谍 black: 从事秘密情报活动的 op:谍报员
Gallagher: I think this is way bigger than both of us.
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