Three can keep a seccret if two are dead.--------Benjamin Franklin 要三个人保守一个秘密 只有当中两人死掉。本杰明˙富兰克林------said by morgan The oracle is in. How may I assist?先知降临听凭差遣-------said by penelope There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery, the time when we were happy-----Dant 最悲伤的事莫过于在痛苦中回忆起往昔的快乐。-----但丁-------said by reid.
We do not suffer from the shock of our trauma, but we make out of it just what suitsour purposes.-----Alfred Adler 我们并不因过去的创伤而痛苦, 我们只是按自己的目的去应付。 ---阿尔弗雷德˙阿德勒(奥地利精神病学家)------said by reid. All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.-----Henry Ellis 生 活的一切精妙之处,都定格在坚持和放手的瞬间----亨利˙艾利斯----said by prentiss
A chinese proverb says, “at the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons.” 有条中国 谚语曾这么说,赌博的人六亲不认. ------said by hotch Groge Augustus Sala said,”a gambler with a system must be, to a greater or lesser extent, insane.” 乔治˙奥古斯都˙萨拉曾说:相信规律的赌徒,肯定,或多或少,是个疯子。 Enough is enough.够了 popcorn 爆米花
“For trust not him that hatch once broken faith.”---------William Shakespeare. 但凡不守信者,恒不为人所信。-----威廉˙莎士比亚 ------said by hotch Supervised visitation 监督探视权 You may be deceived if you trust too much. But you will live in torment if you don‟t trust enough.------Frank Crane. 如果你过于信任,可能会被欺骗,但如果 你缺乏信任,则会被痛苦折磨。-----弗兰克˙克莱恩 ------said by hotch
Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.-----Honor é de Balzac. 平等或许是人的权力,但没有人能够将它变成现 实。------巴尔扎克。 -------said by morgan (Shut the front door 我勒个去 suicide note 遗书) I‟m for the truth, no matter who tells it. I‟m for justice, no matter who it‟s for or againest.----Malcolm X. 我追求真理,不管出自谁的口;我追求正义,不管是 谁在支持或反对。-----马尔科姆(美国黑人名族领袖)------said by prentiss.
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