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  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第13集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    This picture could destroy his career. We need to get him married. I know just the girl. I've got to get away from my family, you know? It's a group of doctors who go to third world countries. He....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第10集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously I of "Devious Maids" ... The man who raped not was the father of the child. And there was a kind of bond between the two. - So which one killed her? - I just want to talk to her gr....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第12集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously on "Devious Maids"... Are you saying that my client is the father? No. He knows who is, and they are very close. Do you know who they're talking about? I can't help you. Marisol, Micha....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第11集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously on "Devious Maids"... Your son supported himself for the last two years by selling drugs. Eddie was doing some business with some trust fund brats. There was this one kid. The second E....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第09集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously on "Devious maids"... So you saw a dvd in the safe? It had Flora's name on it. That has to be the one. You've got to get it. I will marry you if I can still be a father. Exactly what a....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第08集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    You lied to our faces. I am telling everyone who you really are! Then I guess I'm going to have to tell Peri Westmore that you're sleeping with her husband. I didn't know you and Mr. Powell had a ....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第06集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously on "Devious Maids"... We can prove Flora Hernandez found out she was pregnant just before she was murdered, - and my client wasn't the father. - Mom, it's me. I remembered something. O....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第07集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Mr. Spence?! - What in God's name happened? - Mr. Spence had a heart attack. - About your trust fund... - It's gone, too? You always could party with the best of them. - I haven't done that in a w....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第05集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    We just knew he was a rich guy. That's what she wanted... to have a millionaire's baby. Would you say you ended up with the love of your life? Absolutely. Then let me end up with mine. Remi and V....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第04集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously on "Devious Maids"... I'm fairly certain you're not a maid... and I can't wait to find out what you're really doing here. So Adrian Powell hires prostitutes to have sex with his....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第03集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    What the heck is kohlrabi? It's a German turnip. Does it taste good? It's a German turnip. Daikon? Uh, komatsuna? This is why I miss Iowa. People ate normal things like potatoes and corn and lar....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第01集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    I think what you people do is heroic. You wash clothes you can't afford. You polish silver you will never dine with. You mop floors for people who don't bother to learn your last name, and still,....

  • 《蛇蝎女佣 第一季》第02集 经典台词大全2014-04-22

    Previously on "Devious Maids"... We have to go to the police. They need to know the truth about Flora. Why? They already arrested someone. Maybe he didn't do it. I wanna get out of here, mom. I'....

  • 步步惊情经典台词:你不能来我的世界,我就去你的世界2014-04-22


  • 古装剧经典台词大全2014-04-22


  • 宫锁连城搞笑穿越台词 “凉拌”2014-04-21


  • 女人俱乐部经典台词2014-04-21


  • 《甄嬛传》经典台词2014-04-21

    皇上,臣妾三十有余,已经不是当初了。我口中衔了一丝恨意与怅惘,刚进宫的那个嬛嬛已经死了,皇上忘记了么?是您亲手杀了她的,臣妾是皇贵妃甄嬛。 我豁出去了,轻声在他耳边呢喃,予涵、灵犀,还有雪魄,都是你的几....

  • 《来自星星的你》经典语录2014-04-21


  • 《百年的新娘》经典台词大全2014-04-21

    我会想你的 非常非常 但是 我不会再来找你了 我本以为这辈子我都不会把真心交给谁,第一次我把真心交给你了! 闻到我的心烧焦的味道了吗? 不要因为还不知道的未来而回避未来,我不想因为错过了你而后悔 错过我,你....

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